Morning Showers with Riz

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Request: Can I get an HC of Riz getting head from his Old Lady

A/N: Not really a HC just a short drabble, I hope you like it! Also, this is smut over 18s ect ect. 

Rolling over I feel the sheets are still warm but there is no warm body in its usual spot. Burying my head into Riz's pillow I inhale his familiar scent, he smells like pine trees and pepper. Smiling I remember the first time I told him that and he just laughed me shaking his head.

"Babe, I don't smell it, all I smell is motor oil and smoke" he told me laughing.

Sitting up and stretching I hear the sound of water running, climbing out of bed I pad down the hallway and into the bathroom. Watching the water cascade over Riz's body, I quickly strip off, opening the shower door I slide in behind him.

"Morning" I say kissing his shoulder as I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my chest to his bare back.

"Mmmm" he replies sleepily turning around so I am under the water stream.

Unwrapping my arms he turns to face me kissing me softly.

My hands sliding down his wet body, as I kiss him more passionately, his arms wrapping around me pulling me closer.

I start kissing down his chest, sinking to my knees, I kiss down his hips, my fingers tracing up the inside of his thighs. His thick hard cock standing at attention already.

My tongue flicks out, swirling around the tip, my hand coming up firmly gripping the base as my mouth wraps around him, slowly taking him all in, gagging as he hits the back of my throat.

"Oh baby girl" he moans as his hands grip my hair as he starts to slowly thrust his hips back and forth fucking my mouth, he pulls my head back, and I gasp for breath, the stinging in my eyes manifesting into tears. Riz smiles down at me, my mouth open, greedy for more.

His cock sliding back into my mouth, my tongue teasing him as he slowly sides in and out of my mouth, his hips continuing to move back and forth at a steady pace. I breathe through my nose, more tears welling up and spilling down my cheeks, looking up at Riz his eyes are closed in satisfaction. I love this too much, the feeling of him filling my mouth and throat, my fingers digging into his thighs as he overpowers me.

My mouth tightens over his cock, as I suck him harder with each thrust.

"I'm going to come" he mutters gripping me tighter and pushing me into him deeper. My nose is practically buried against the base of his cock, my gagging noises echoing off the bathroom walls as Riz erupts in a grunt, as the back of throat fills with hot liquid, I swallow quickly and greedily. His grip relaxes on my hair as I slowly clean him up with my tongue.

"Good morning" I say smugly standing up watching Riz.

"Good morning to you too" he says pulling me in for a kiss. 

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