Growing ups not so bad

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Request: ​ okay but being related to miguel idk maybe cousin or something and spending summers with him as a kid and now nestor is lookin like a snack.

Growing up it was just the four of you, Miguel, Nestor and Nestor's brother.

The three boy's were constantly trying to ditch you, but you had dirt on all of them so basically you blackmailed them to be your friends.

As a kid you were a total tomboy, but as you got older and Miguel started to learn about the family business, you started to learn your place in the family business.

You started to become a bit more girly, and spending less and less time with the boys.

When Nestor's brother died you were overseas on a girls trip and you were heartbroken, you jumped on the first flight home.

You realised you were now on the outside of the group.

You spent the next few years going to college and figuring you life out.

Then Miguel met Emily, and they got engaged.

Showing up to their engagement party you did the rounds talking to your family, ducking outside you were hiding in the garden.

"hey squirt" turning around you see Nestor, who has grown up and gotten so much hotter, you almost don't recognise him.

"hey" you reply speechless.

he just laughs at you hugging you, he smells amazing you awkwardly forget to let go.

Basically you spend the whole night staring at him out of the corner of your eye.

After everyone leaves and you're talking to Miguel you blurt out "When did Nestor become such a snack?"

Miguel just laughs shaking his head "I don't know why don't you ask him" nodding behind you.

Nestor happened to be walking back inside and heard you.

"And I have clearly had too much champagne and I am going to bed, goodnight" you embarrassingly claim heading to bed.

Turns out, Nestor thinks the same thing about you because once the house grows quiet and everyone is in bed theres a soft knock at your door.

Nestor is standing there, and you invite him in. 

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