Junk in the trunk

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Pulling into the scrapyard I climb out of my car, looking around for someone who can help me.

An older man with a toothy grin approaches me, waving I notice his hand is a prosthetic as he waves, I quickly hide my surprise.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" he asks, approaching me.

"I'm after Obispo Losa" I say looking around, my voice sounding calmer than what I feel.

"May I enquire what this visit is regarding and what your lovely name is?" he asks me.

I look back at him puzzled, "I have a delivery" I tell him.

"Oh well I can take that for you ma'am" he says excitedly.

"Uh" I stutter "no, I need to deliver this directly to Obispo"

His eyes grow wide "oh okay" he says nodding all knowing "I'll go call him"

A few moments later a man comes swaggering out from behind a large metal gate.

"How can I help you ma'am?" he asks, his voice smooth, his eyes studying me.

"Luis from your Stockton group of friends told me you could help me" I say, tripping over my words.

He just raises his eyebrow, taking a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket "can you please not light that, I don't particularly like the smell thank you" I tell him.

He smirks but puts the packet away.

"What did Luis tell you I could help you with?" he asks.

"This" I say walking around the back of my car, popping the trunk. Obispo follows peering into the trunk.

He is quiet for a moment "ma'am, that is a dead body" he tells me.

"I am very much aware that it is a dead body, I have 5 grand if you can get rid of it" I tell him, my voice wavering the stress of the day starting to weigh me down.

"I run a scrapyard, I don't really know what you expect me to do," he says, watching me intently.

"Cut the bullshit" I tell him slamming the lid of my trunk shut "I know you have tunnels to Mexico and shit, I know you can make this problem disappear" I say waving my hands tears springing to my eyes.

"Do you want to tell me how a dead body ended up in your trunk?" he asks leaning against my car.

"I shot him"

"You shot him," he says slowly, studying my tiny 5 foot frame.

"I'm a psychologist specialising in domestic violence who apparently couldn't see the red flags in her own relationship, I finally after many years got up the courage to leave, I changed my name, moved across the country and he found me, so I shot him" I blurt out, no idea why I'm telling him my sob story.

He slowly shakes his head, sighing holding out his hands "keys" he says.

I hand over my keys and he nods towards the gate and I start to follow him, each step growing heavier and heavier. We enter a backyard that has a house in the centre, I notice a bunch of guys watching us, Obispo nods towards the house and they all head in.

"Come on" he says guiding me around the side towards a trailer, he pulls some keys from a chain on his jeans unlocking the door "the shower works, the water pressures not that great but it does the job, there's some clothes in the drawers under the bed you can wear, get some sleep. I'll come get you when it's done" he says softly pushing me inside.

I just nod, climbing inside the trailer, I barely register that he's locked it behind me as I collapse on the bed fully clothed. The rumble of motorcycles pushing the bad dreams out of my mind. 

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