Ghosts - Emily

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"The ghosts of your past will continue to haunt you if you don't let them go Emily" Miguel says watching his wife from the doorway

Closing her old diary she looks up at him

"Sometimes those ghosts are a reminder of why I'm here" she replies shrugging

"Do you regret it?" Miguel asks her as he crosses the room, undoing his cuff links and placing them on the dresser.

"Not for a second" Emily replies fiercely "but sometimes, I miss the girl I use to be"

"That girl would never have survived everything you've been through" Miguel says climbing into bed next to her

"No, but she may have made different choices, ones that didn't hurt those around her"

Taking Emily's face in his hands Miguel softly strokes her cheek "Emily, what you did, the strength that took, I'm so proud of you. You made decisions that showed you are a leader and one who is not to be messed with" pulling her into him he continues "if anything should ever happen to me, I have faith that you will keep the Galindo name strong until Cristobal is old enough. You are helping guide this family to greatness"

Tilting his head, Miguel leans in softly kissing his wife, his fingers wrapping around her soft curls.

"I love you" Emily murmurs softly against his lips

"I love you too" Miguel replies softly pressing his forehead against hers.

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