Quiet time with Bishop

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Request: Can you please do 18. "You are so damn beautiful" & 9. "How did I end up with somebody like you?" With Bishop Losa! Please and thank you!

You finish finalising the last lot of invoices in front of you, putting them into their corresponding files standing up you put them into the filing cabinet behind you. Stretching you realise you've been sitting at the desk in the office for quite a few hours, you spy the giant pile of papers sitting on the end of the desk sighing you sit back down determined to at least make a dent in the pile before Bishop gets back from his run.

The prospect walks into the office, handing you a coffee "I thought you might need this" he says

"Thanks" you say apperceive

"Do you need any help?" he says nodding to the pile of papers

"It's okay, keeps my mind busy" you reply sitting back in the chair

"Okay, well let me know if you need anything" he says as he turns to leave

You lose yourself in your work, before you know it the office is getting dark. You check your phone and realise its after 7pm and you've spent the whole day in the office, you decide to call it quits filing the completed paperwork, grabbing your bag and locking up.

You have no messages from Bishop but that's not unusual when he is on club business, you decide to head up to the clubhouse to see if prospect or any of the other guys who were working today have heard anything.

Walking in you see prospect behind the bar, heading over he offers you a beer

"Nah, I'm good, I'm going to head home" you say, "Just wanted to see if you had heard anything from Bishop or your brother?"

"Yeah, Angel just rang letting me know they were leaving the casino about twenty minutes ago, do you want me to take you home?" he asks

"It's all good, just let Bishop know I will meet him at home" I say before leaving

Twenty minutes later you pull up in your driveway, walking inside you dump your bag and keys on the hall table and kick your shoes off. You collapse onto your couch and you're asleep before your head even hits the cushion.

"YN?" You hear Bishop whisper, feeling his hand stroking your face

You open your eyes to see Bishop crouching next to you, a sleepy smile spreads across your face "Hey" you say

"Hey yourself" he says smiling back at you "Come on, let's get you to bed"

"I'm okay" you say sitting up stretching "even better now that your home" leaning in for a kiss

Bishop cups the back of your neck pulling you in for a kiss, his lips softly pushing against yours "mmmm, you sure" he says pulling away

"Yeah" you say leaning back in kissing him softly

Bishop pulls away and sits on the couch next to you, you lay back down putting your head in his lap, his fingers getting lost in your hair

"How did you go at the yard today?" he asks

"Good, I got most of the invoices done, I can finish it tomorrow if you still need help" you say as you lightly brush your fingers over his arm that's resting across your chest

"Nah, should probably leave something for Chucky to do, plus I don't want you wasting your days off at the yard, you work too hard as it is" he says smiling down at you

"I don't mind" you say looking up at him "Plus, I know you like it when I'm at the yard when you're away"

"Oh yeah? Do I?" he says smirking

"Yeah you do, just too proud to admit it" you reply sticking your tongue out at him

he just laughs while playing with your hair

"How did the run go?" you ask

Bishop shrugs "it was fine, went to plan for once" he says stroking your face

You lay there enjoying the moment of calm in your lives

"How did I end up with somebody like you?" he says gazing at you

You sit up, climbing into his lap you run your fingers through his hair "I ask myself the same question everyday" you say smiling leaning in for a kiss

Your kisses are slow and soft, Bishop reaches out stroking your cheek and running his fingers through your hair. You start a trail of kisses over his cheek, down to his jaw and cross his chin, you pause before nuzzling your face into his neck kissing ever so lightly on the side of his neck, you rest your head on his shoulder breathing in his scent.

You slowly sit up looking at Bishop's face, taking his cheeks into your hands you run your thumbs over his stubble "You are so damn beautiful" you say leaning back in brushing your lips across his. 

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