I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way with Nestor

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I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way


Nervous energy crackles in your veins, smoothing down your dress as you walk up to the door of the Galindo residence, security check the list and your small bag before waving you inside.

Walking into the entrance the pure decadence on display takes your breath away, Emily has outdone herself for Miguel's birthday. Looking around the room you're surprised to see a blend of cartel and business world blending so seamlessly, old and new, creating a fabric of the future.

"Ava, you made it" Miguel says warmly as he strides towards you, embracing you, his lips brushing your cheek.

"Happy birthday Miguel" you reply your lips gently pressed to his cheek careful your lipstick doesn't leave a mark.

"You look stunning" he says taking in your dress as he steps back letting you go.

"thank you, I must say you look pretty handsome yourself" you reply.

"Don't let your father here that, he will have my head on a plate" Miguel says winking with a laugh.

A tight smile forms on your face knowing all too well my fathers views on you and men "speaking of the tyrant, where is he?" you ask.

Laughing Miguel grabs two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, handing one to you.

"The last I saw him, out on the Patio" Miguel says "would you like me to take you to him?"

"No, its okay, go enjoy your party, I will go play the good daughter" you tell Miguel.

"Ava" Miguel says his tone playful "I've known you long enough to know that nothing about you is good, every inch of you screams trouble"

"Well keep that to yourself Mikey, I don't need daddy dearest finding out" you say winking as you head outside towards the patio, you can feel a few heads turn to watch as you walk out the door. When your father is one of the biggest arms dealers in Mexico you get use to a few stares.

"Daddy" you say as you approach your father interrupting the conversation he was having with a blonde woman half your age kissing him on each cheek.

"Hello sweetheart" he replies warmly "you look lovely tonight"

"Thank you"

"Well I am sure you don't want to spend the night with your father, why don't you go and spend some time with your little friends" your father says dismissing you as quickly as you arrived.

Rolling your eyes and biting your tongue you kiss your father on the cheek "have a good night daddy" you tell him before heading back inside to obtain another glass of champagne.

After a few laps around the room and a handful of polite hellos, you've realised you know absolutely no one at this party, looking around the new Galindo residence you decide to explore.

Heading down a long corridor, and after opening a few doors you find a library, flicking a lamp on, you start to read the titles of the books on the shelves.

"You know this room is off limits" a firm deep voice says from behind you.

"I've never been one to follow rules" you reply, turning around and leaning against the bookcase, taking in the tall dark man hiding in the shadows. His black suit beautifully contrasted by a deep burgundy shirt, his braids perfectly styled.

"Let me escort you back" Nestor states.

"I'm not done in here" you reply kicking your heels off and turning back to the shelf continuing to read the titles on the shelf "may as well take a seat if you're just going to stand there and watch me"

Turning back around you realise he has already taken comfort in the large leather armchair across the room.

"Penny for your thoughts?" you say walking towards him, straddling his thighs my eyes locked on his.

"Av—" He starts but I press my fingers to his lips.

"Please don't tell me no tonight" I whisper.

Sighing he throws his head back gripping my thighs, his fingers digging into my flesh, I know it will leave bruises and I don't care. A hard moan escapes my lips.

Nestor's hands slide up your thighs pushing your dress up over your hips, and adjusting your body so that you are on one of his thighs. One hand reaches up bunching your hair up in his fist and pulling you down to him roughly his lips crush yours.

His other hand cups your ass, as he starts to massage it, giving you three sharp smacks causing you to cry out, "Fuck!"

Nestor smirks, as he lets go of your hair "Ride my thigh. Grind on me." He commands as he takes hold of your hips and started manoeuvring you in circular motions, "That's it" he groans "Good girl."

You moaned as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second, "Nestor" You whined, the friction from your lace underwear against his pants instantly driving you crazy.

You reach down pushing them to the side, letting your bare cunt find little relief in the pressure as you start to grind your hips harder against Nestor's thigh. Leaning forward you crush Nestor's lips in yours both of you a moaning mess, your fingers digging into his shoulders.

Breaking the kiss your head falls back in pleasure "fuck Ness" you groan.

Nestor's eyes were filled with hunger "yeah doll, ride my thigh, I want you to cum on my pants, I know you want too" Nestor's fingers slide up between your thighs spreading your lips open and coating himself with your juices.

Grinding his teeth Nestor pushes you down harder onto his thigh, his fingers digging in hard.

Delightfully sinful noises were coming out of you, and you were sure the whole party could hear you by now but you didn't care "I'm so close Ness"

Gripping your hair and yanking it back "Go faster, I want to watch you cum" Nestor demands, the pure authority in his voice causes you to quiver, sending you over the edge as you quicken the pace. Within seconds your orgasm washes over you, Nestor has one hand on your hip and the other still yanking your hair back forcing you to continue to ride out your orgasm on his leg. Finally he lets you come to stop, both of you panting. You look down to see how bad of a mess you made on Nestor's pants, however your eyes are instantly drawn to the mess he made on his own, for there was a wet patch in his crotch area.

"Maybe you should escort me home so I can help you clean up" you say licking your lips desperate for more.

"This is the last time" Nestor says as he lifts you off his lap and pulls your dress down making sure you looked somewhat respectable.

"That's what you said last time" you reply with a wink. 

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