Mix it up

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Request: Baby sister Reyes (me) and Ez hanging out around town shopping etc and a new gal from the brothel gets jealous cause she thinks we are dating (she doesn't yet know we are siblings) and she tries to set me and Angel up and somehow we end up in a fight which turns on my old man Coco. (Try to include the guys reactions to this)

A/N: I also changed it up a little bit, its just how it came to me! I hope you like it. Alright so I've given the new girl a name "Blake" and she has a friend "Quinn"

"So that's why Ez never gives me a second glance" I grumble to Quinn nodding my head towards Ez and the girl hanging off his arm.

Quinn just rolls her eyes taking a sip of her coffee "or maybe you're not his type" she retorts.

"I'm everyone's type" I snark back.

Later that afternoon sitting at home my phone buzzes a message from Quinn 'there's a party at the clubhouse tonight, wanna go?'

'Yeah sure, meet u there @ 10?'

'Yep, be nice to Ez'

Rolling my eyes I throw my phone on charge and take a nap before the party.


Pulling into the lot I wave to Chucky, he smiles and points to a vacant parking spot, nodding I pull in and head inside to the clubhouse, it appears the party has been going for awhile, scanning the crowd I see a few girls from the house waving I make my way inside the bar.

"Hey Blake" Ez says warmly as I approach the bar.

"Hey good looking" I say with a wink.

Ez blushes "what can I get you?"

"Vodka soda please" I say sliding onto a free chair.

Ez fixes my drink, grabbing himself a beer he leans on the bar "so how was your day?" he asks.

"It was okay, Quinn and I grabbed coffee and got our nails done in town" I say shrugging, "what about you?"

"Not a lot I just went to the bookstore with Cherie" He starts
"Yo prospect outside" Tranq whistles, Ez smiles sympathetically at me as he puts his beer down and heads out.

Groaning I grab my drink and look for Quinn, instead I find the girl Ez was with earlier Cherie, sitting alone smiling to myself I head over.

"Hey" I say sitting on the couch next to her "I'm Blake"

She looks up at me surprised "uh, hi I'm Cherie" she says holding out her hand, I shake it.

"I haven't seen you around here, are you new to town?" I ask taking a sip of my drink.

"Nope" she says shaking her head "I grew up here with my two brothers, I just don't spend a lot of time at the clubhouse when parties are on, there a lot"

"Oh yeah, I can get that" I say nodding.

"What about you?" she asks "Are you new to town?"

"Yeah, I've been here for about eight months, I'm loving it, lots of fun to be had if you know the right places to look," I say with a wink.

She just laughs "oh I know what you mean," she says.

The door flies open and Angel walks in slightly tipsy, Quinn hanging off him, his hand is up her dress firmly planted on her ass, you can see her bare ass cheek, as Angel passionately kisses her.

A blush creeps up Cherie's chest and neck, turning the tips of her ears pink as she averts her eyes.

Bingo I think to myself.

"Excuse me for one sec" I say jumping off the couch and heading to the bathroom frantically texting Quinn.




'Alright I'm comin'

A second later Quinn knocks on the bathroom door, I open the door pulling her in slamming the door shut behind her.

"You need to fake sick and go home" I tell her.

"What? Why?" she asks.

"Cherie, the girl Ez was with this morning like's Angel, not Ez and I'm going to set them up so I can have Ez"

"And you know this how?" she says rolling her eyes leaning against the bathroom sink, zero faith in my plan.

"I was with her when you walked in, it was all over her face" I exclaim excitedly.

Quinn just rolls her eyes "girlfriend you owe me big time" she says storming out of the bathroom.

"Thank you" I call after her.

Fixing my makeup, I head out back to Cherie, ready to put my plan into action.

I'm surprised to see Angel already sitting with Cherie when I get back, saying a silent prayer I thank the gods for helping me.

Sliding back onto the couch I grab my drink.

"Hey Angel"

"Hey sweetheart" he says kissing my cheek.

"So Angel do you know Cherie?" I ask.

"Ummm yes?" he replies confused.

"We were just getting to know each other, isn't she adorable?" I ask, looking at them both sweetly.

"Ummm, kinda I guess?" he replies, puzzled.

"You guess?" Cherie retorts "I'm fucking adorable you asshole"

My eyes grow wide, the door opens and Ez and Coco walk in, seeing us on the couch they walk over, grabbing a few more beers.
"Well, its weird, like I can't say your hot, cause that's gross" Angel says defensively.

"You can say I'm hot" she says.

"No he can't" Coco says sitting next to Cherie.

"Why not?" Cherie fires back.

"Cause that's my job" Coco replies kissing her shoulder.

"What the fuck" I mutter.

Ez sits on the arm of the couch next to me raising his eyebrow at me.

"You okay?" he asks.

"I have no idea what's going on" I reply completely confused.

"What do you mean?" Cherie asks.

"Well I thought you were dating Ez, but then when Angel walked in with Quinn you reacted so strongly, I thought you were into Angel, so I sent Quinn home and I was trying to set you up with Angel but then" I say gesturing to the scene in front of me.

Cherie, Ez and Angel erupt into laughter, Angel falls off his chair, he's on the floor rolling around. Coco gently kicks him with the tip of his boot.

"Don't be a dick" he says laughing himself.

Cherie takes a deep breathe steadying herself enough "Girl, Ez and Angel are my brothers, Ez is my twin. Coco is my old man" she says before laughing again.

"Oh" I say feeling stupid.

"So there's nothing going on between you and Ez?" I ask.

"Absolutely not" she says laughing.

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