Devotion and Desire with Nestor

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A/N: Smut, over 18s ect ect. Also warning spanking, dominance.

AU/Pairing: Miguel's little sister/Nestor.

Stretching my arms above my head I roll my shoulders letting out a satisfied groan.

A knock at the door ruins my moment of relaxation, turning to the perpetrator I roll my eyes.

"You know you don't need to knock, I'm not my brother" I tell Nestor as he enters the office.

"Well your brother will be home soon enough so no point changing the routine" he tells me as he takes a seat across from me.

Kicking my legs up onto the desk, I motion for him to start, he shifts in his seat before starting his usual updates.

Checking the time on my watch, I stifle a yawn.

"Am I boring you?" Nestor asks me pointedly.

"A little" I reply smirking.

"Would you like to continue this in the morning?" he asks.

"No its fine, keep going" I tell him.

His update continues for twenty more minutes, when it finally ends he sits back in his chair waiting for further instructions.

"I'm going to trust you to fix any issues, my brother didn't exactly leave me an instruction manual" I tell him.

"How will you learn the business if you don't apply yourself?" Nestor asks me.

"I'm delegating, that's what a good boss does, use your strongest performers" I tell him, swinging my legs off the desk.

"Will that be all tonight?" he asks.

"Nestor, would you do anything for my brother?" I ask him a wicked smirk slowly spreading across my face.

"You know I would" he tell me.

"Does that extend to me?" I ask him leaning back into the chair.

"Of course it does" he replies watching me curiously.

"Will you help me make my dreams come true?" I ask him biting my lip.

"That depends on the dream" he replies.

"Well last night I had a dream, it involved you, me and this office" I say softly "you came in here, bent me over this desk, pushed me down, roughly pushed my skirt up--"

"Maya" he says interrupting me.

Standing up from the desk, I walk around leaning on the desk in front of him, my fingers gently stroking his cheek.

"You ripped my underwear off me, throwing them across the room. Unzipping your pants, you pushed my thighs apart, and entered me. Filling me with your thick hard--"

Groaning he pushes the chair back putting space between us.

"Goodnight Maya" he says walking out of the office.

Smirking I clean up my brothers desk, locking up the important documents, I head upstairs to my bedroom.

Entering my room I kick my shoes off, I hear the door open and quickly close behind me.

Smiling I turn to find Nestor standing there "here to make my dreams come true?" I ask him smirking.

He closes the gap between us in one step, his hands gripping my waist as he pulls me into him crushing my lips under his. His body pushes against mine as he manoeuvres me to the bed.

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