Wedding Bells

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Request: Coco headcanons to letty wanting to help plan him and his s/o wedding.

A/N: I could have sworn I had done this one before but I can't find it.

As soon as Letty knew Coco was going to propose she started buying bridal magazines and researching venues.

She was so excited.

As soon as you said yes, she bombarded you with all of her ideas, Coco had no idea she was so... enthusiastic.

you were both blown away by it.

She was so excited neither of you wanted to tell her no, but her ideas were outside your budget.

you and Coco wanted a quiet small outdoor wedding, Letty wanted something over the top and fun.

You both finally sat her down and told her, she was devastated, she thought you didn't want her to help at all.

Coco was so upset she would ever think that, you still wanted her to help, just to tone it down.

Coco wanted Letty to be his best man but you also wanted her to be your maid of honour, so you both decided to just have two people in the wedding party. Letty and Angel.

You both took Letty out for a pancake breakfast explaining to her you both wanted her for the special day to stand beside them and since there was no one else besides Angel how did she feel about just the four of you standing there without any sides?

Letty cried she was so excited, she was a giant blubbering mess, she agreed on two conditions, one she got to plan the bachelorette party and two she didn't have to wear a dress. Letty wanted to wear a tux with a daisy crown.

You both agreed.

Letty took all her amazing planning skills and ideas and planned the most insane over the top, out of control bachelorette party, it took a week for everyone to recover.

You both kept some of Letty's ideas for the wedding, but kept it simple and small. 

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