Comforting you Mayans style

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A/N: this wasn't a request but it's for my boo LadyMoxley  also I'm writing/posting from my phone so if the formatting is shit I'm sorry.

Oh, and I'm doped up on cough syrup and cold and flu meds.


Angel tries to distract you, keep your mind off whatever has upset you. Doesn't know how to shut up, he's basically like a golden retriever of avoiding the subject of what's got you so upset.

He hates seeing you upset so anything to make you laugh or at least smile, when he finally gets you to smile he does a little victory dance "that's my girl" he says proudly smothering you with kisses.

Buys you flowers and silly little gifts, like your favourite candy from when you were a kid or bubbles and you spend the afternoon having a contest to see who can blow the biggest bubble.


Bishop's first reaction is to break the neck of whoever upset you.

His second reaction is to check his anger and to comfort you, he will just hold you while you cry. Doesn't matter how long, he will just hold you close to his chest, rubbing your back or stroking your hair. He wants you to know you're safe and protected.

After you've calmed down a little, he cooks for you, there's nothing a good meal can't fix in his mind.

He spends the next few days being extra attentive and loving, just wanting to make sure you are okay. Extra phone calls or texts, keeping you wrapped up in his arms at night, his hands always touching a part of you when you're together, comforting you.


Coco is terrible at first, he has no idea what to do when someone is upset.

He kinda just stands there freaking out, then starts running around like a crazy person grabbing pillows and blankets nestling you into a fort "yeah, this what you do" he mutters to himself as he tucks you in.

Then he goes into the kitchen, finding ice cream in the freezer racing back out handing it to you "does this help?" He asks his face confused

You just make space on the couch for him and ask him to sit with you "umm yeah I can do that" he says not sounding confident at all.

You curl into Coco's body, he is tense at first but slowly he relaxes, his fingers softly stroking your back "is this okay?" He asks

You just nod burying yourself deeper into Coco's side, he pulls you closer, his lips pressed to your forehead as he softly sings to you.

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