First Date with Miguel

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Request: ​ requested Will you do a first date headcanon with Miguel x reader please?

He would pick you up, with a beautiful bunch of flowers, not red roses but an assortment of brightly coloured flowers.

"These reminded me of you" he would say offering to put them in water for you.

He's a perfect gentleman, opening car doors for you and offering his arm to guide you.

First date with Miguel would be romantic, a really fancy restaurant or something private like a personal picnic on the beach while you watch the sunset.

I could even see Miguel hiring a string quartet for music.

He would focus a lot on you, wanting to know about your interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes. not in a creepy way he just finds you fascinating.

You talk about books you've been reading, movies you like, places you've both travelled too, or would like to travel too.

Conversation flows easy, Miguel has a way of putting you at ease. He has a commanding presence but it's not overbearing or out of control. You feel safe.

After dessert you are amazed to realise its so late, time melted away while you were with Miguel.

He drives you home and is a perfect gentleman walking you to your door and kissing you softly.

"I hope that we can do this again soon" he says.

you just blush because you can't believe Miguel wants to spend more time with you and you're a little jelly legged from the kiss, all you can do is nod.

he waits until you are safely inside before walking back to his car.

He sends you flowers and a note the following day, telling you again what a wonderful time he had with you and how much he enjoys your company. 

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