Jealously - With Nestor

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Request: Could you please write Nestor being jealous 

Note: Nestor is such a snack and deserves more screen time, look at his face 

Note: Nestor is such a snack and deserves more screen time, look at his face 

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Standing in front of your closet you let out a giant sigh, the last thing you feel like doing is putting a pretty dress and being charming, but the Galindo Christmas party was an important event so you didn't have a choice. Picking out a fitted red dress you slip it on, sliding into your black pumps, you check the mirror, you look damn good, this dress makes your ass look amazing.

Fixing your hair and applying red lipstick, you hear a knock at the front door "Coming" you yell, grabbing your clutch off the dresser you race out of your bedroom and open the front door

"Are you ready to go Miss Y/L/N?" one of Galindo's men asks you

"Yes" you reply, pulling the door shut behind you

climbing into the luxury SVU you sit back as the seat getting comfortable, working for Galindo certainly has its perks, like the fact you didn't have to drive yourself tonight.

Pulling up at the Galindo compound you notice security is extra tight tonight, slowly the car makes its way down the line and another guard opens your door, helping you out of the car.

Walking up the front steps you notice that Miguel and Emily are greeting everyone at the door "Y/N" Miguel says warmly kissing your cheek

"Good evening Miguel" you reply kissing his cheek back

"Emily" you say embracing his beautiful wife

"it's good to see you" she replies, "I have so many people for you meet, come on" Emily takes your hand and starts to introduce to you various people around the party.

Two hours later you find yourself alone for the first time since you arrived, you survey the room and decide to head outside for some fresh air.

Making your way across the patio and down the side stairs into the Galindo's garden you inhale the cool night air deeply.

"What a beautiful view" you hear from behind you, turning around you see a tall man in his early thirties in a suit, he starts to walk towards you

"Yeah it is" you reply turning back to the garden

the strange man stands next to you "What is a beautiful woman like you doing out here all alone?"

"Avoiding small talk" you reply hoping he will take the hint

"I see" he says, "Well my name is Jake Tanner" he holds out his hand

"I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N" you say shaking his hand

"You're the new PR person for Galindo's new development, aren't you?" he asks

"Yes, I am"

"Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know you more Y/N, I've heard wonderful things about you" he says smiling

You stand there talking to Jake about the new development and the role his building company will take

"That's enough business talk" he says, "tell me a little bit about yourself"

"I would actually prefer to keep this business related"

"What? Not interested in making a new friend" he says lightly, he reaches out tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and resting his hand on your cheek

"I strongly suggest you take your hands off me" you reply coolly

"Or what?" he replies

"I will remove it for you and break a few bones in the process" you say glaring at him

"I like a feisty woman" he says thinking that I'm playing with him

a second later there is a click of the safety of a gun behind Jake's head "I believe the woman asked you to politely fuck off" a voice says

Jake quickly drops his hand from your face turning around he says, "I don't want any trouble" and races back up to the party

You stand there looking at the man who came to your rescue "I had it under control" you say with a smirk on your face

"I know, I just hate seeing other men with their hands on my woman" he says putting the safety back on and holstering his gun

"So, you felt the best course of action was to threaten one of Miguel's business partners with a gun?" you reply trying not to laugh at the absurd situation you found yourself in

Nestor just shrugs at you, closing the distance between you he gently strokes your cheek

"Jealously looks good on you" you say smiling, reaching up and wrapping your arms around Nestor's neck

"I wasn't jealous" he says leaning down lightly brushing his lips against yours

"Oh really?" you say pulling away raising your eyebrow

Pulling you back to him, Nestor's lips touch your ear "Okay, maybe a little jealous" he whispers "But can you blame me? You in that dress is making it very hard to do my job and keep all the men upstairs away from you"

You shiver, turning your face towards Nestor "Well maybe you should take me home and take this dress off me"

Nestor wraps his hand around the back of your neck pulling you in for a deep longing kiss, breaking away he says, "let's go home" and it's the best three words you've heard all night.  

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