Snowball Fight with the MC

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Bishop - Bishop hates the snow, hates being cold and he definitely hates being wet but what he hates more than any of those things? Is losing a snowball fight. Bishop can go for hours with you, he will stockpile snowballs all around in hidey holes, and he has the best hiding spots. he always wins.

Tranq - Tranq will only engage in snowball fights if the kids are involved, and even then he goes so easy on them, Grandpop Tranq builds the best snow forts for hiding but he doesn't allow cheating or dirty tactics. Its a clean snowball fight.

Angel - All bets are off, no more Mr. nice guy, he is throwing snow like there is no tomorrow but he is the worst at hiding because he can't stop laughing. He pouts and storms off when you win by shoving snow down the back of his jacket. But you make it up to him in front of the fire later.

Ez - Total goofball, actually loosens up for once and relaxes. A cross between Bishop and Angel. And this is lazy writing because I just don't care about Ez sorry.

Riz - with that hair? I don't think so.

Coco - Coco wasn't really into it to begin with but once you two got started he was laughing and have fun like a child. His favourite part? the boozy hot chocolates after.

Taza - Taza is definitely going to throw a few snowballs but then distract you with kisses and cuddles and you end up just enjoying the snow and probably building a snowman.

Gilly - absolute pro, has a full strategy and plan. totally going to kick your ass but isn't so good at actually walking through snow so he ends up getting taken out by you. You both end up collapsed in the snow kissing.

Creeper - total child, absolutely having the ultimate field day with the snow. He's far too excited to focus on a snowball fight, he throws like 1 ball then bounces to building a snowman, then snow angels and then back to a snowball fight.

Miguel - Never in a million years.

Nestor - Do you have a death wish? 

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