Reunion with Angel

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Request: When you have a minute, would you please see if you could write in prompt 21 (Just pretend to be my date) and prompt 7 (I'm in love with you, you idiot!) with my man, Angel

Notes: Fake dating is my favourite troupe, so I hope you like this!

Word Count: 1461

"Okay so I have a great idea" Angel exclaims sliding into the booth across from me

"Oh this should be good" I mutter "you know you are late right?"

"Oh yeah my bad" he says playing with his Snapback

Sighing I sip my coffee "so what's this great idea?" I ask

"You're going to be my date to this reunion" he tells me a smile spreading

"Ummm I thought we decided we weren't going? Also no one is going to believe I'm your date" I tell him trying not to laugh

"I never agreed to that, come on Neve, it will be fun. We can sneak flasks in and make fun of everyone we hate" He says smiling at me from across the table

"We are old enough to drink these days Angel, we don't need to steal Felipe's booze" I reply laughing

"So is that a yes?" He asks me coyly

"No one is going to believe we are dating" I tell him

Winking at me "I think we can pull it off"

Rolling my eyes I finish my coffee

Three weeks later

Checking my reflection in the mirror I smooth down the black tight fitting black dress wrinkling my nose I head over to my closet trying to find something else to wear.

"You look amazing" Angel says from behind me

Turning around I see him leaning against the door frame, observing him "did you iron that shirt?" I asked him shocked

"I even showered" he replies smirking at me

"Well miracles do happen" I reply rolling my eyes

"Come on, we are going to be late" he says

"Alright just let me change" I say reaching for a different dress

"Nope not a chance" he says walking across the room towards me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder

"Angel put me down" I say smacking him playfully on the back

"Nope" He says grabbing my clutch and keys off the kitchen bench before walking outside

"Angel I'm serious, I don't want to wear this" I tell him trying to wriggle out of his grasp

Putting me down on next to the car "you look incredible, stop stressing" he tells me opening the passenger door "get in"

"You are not driving my car Angel" I say holding my hands out for my keys

"I'm definitely driving your car" he says laughing racing around to the drivers side and climbing in

Sighing I climb into the passenger seat "Angel if you even mark my baby in the slightest way, I will kill you" I tell him

"Yes Ma'am" He says pulling out of the driveway

Pulling into the parking lot of the high school I look over at Angel "should we have a signal in case one of us wants to leave or needs rescuing?" I ask biting my lip

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