Kids These Days with Bishop

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Request: 99) " What if i just break his nose a lil'?" with bishop?

"Fucking disrespectful piece of shit" Bishop mutters under his breath, his body tense.

"Bishop let it go" I say pressing my hand to his chest and gently shoving him out the door.

"What if I just break his nose a little?" Bishop says glaring over my shoulder.

"He's a sixteen year old kid, I don't think so" I reply suppressing a laugh.

"Does he talk to you like that everyday?" Bishop asks his voice annoyed.

"Pretty much, that's my job" I reply.

"How do you not smack these kids out everyday?" he asks cracking his knuckles.

Sighing I kiss his cheek "because they are children who were raised by shitty people, and they need to be loved, not smacked" I tell him.

"Well, you're a better person than I am" he replies.

"You wouldn't hit a kid Bish, you and I both know it" I reply laughing "but you've definitely scared my class"

"Well then my job here is done" he replies smiling, kissing me softly "I will see you tonight?" he asks.

"Yeah, I will come over when I am done here" I tell him.

"If he gives you any more trouble let me know" Bishop says winking at me.

Laughing I head back into my classroom shaking my head at him. 

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