Late night coffee with Coco - Part One

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Notes: So requested by someone on tumblr, they asked for a Coco story where he meets a waitress and they get together. I started drafting this a few nights ago and I really love the idea so it's going to be slightly longer than a one shot, maybe 4 or 5 parts. Let me know what you guys think!

Working at the 24hr diner out on the highway sucked, but the money was good and you desperately needed the job so you sucked it up . You usually worked the graveyard shift, midnight until 5am, most nights it was dead, which gave you time to work on your art, your boss didn't mind as long as the diner was clean and ready for the day rush.

It was 2am, looking up at the clock on the wall you sigh, tonight was dragging on, you were feeling extremely tired and restless. Grabbing a stack of napkins from under the counter you head over to a booth and start refilling all the napkin canisters. Singing along to a song on the jukebox, you didn't hear the diner door open and bell chime. Lost in your thoughts a throat clearing startles you

"Shit" you say surprised jumping out of the booth, looking at the man standing in front of you "sorry... ummm how can I help you?"

"I just wanted to grab some coffee" he says watching you

"Yeah sure, takeaway?" You ask

"Nah, I'll have it here" he says sliding into the booth

"Cool, I'll be right back" you reply heading to the counter grabbing the pot of coffee and heading back to the booth.

You can feel his eyes watching you as you pour his coffee "Can I get you anything else?" You ask

"Nah" he replies his eyes dropping down to the cup as he holds his coffee

"Alright well just yell if you need anything" you say turning to leave

"Do you need to finish this?" He asks you turning back around you see him looking at the pile of napkins and canisters sitting on the table

"Oh it can wait" you reply not wanting to disturb him

"It's cool, I don't mind the company" he says looking up at you

There was something about his face, he looked like a wounded puppy and it tugged at your heart strings, shrugging you sit down across from him and start filling the canisters, his eyes never leaving you.

And that's how it started, every night for the next two weeks he would come in, order coffee and sit with you. You two would never talk, but it was never uncomfortable or weird, you enjoyed his silent company.

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