Netflix and murder with Gilly

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Part One

"Gilly, in here" Bishop calls out to me nodding towards Templo.

Getting up from the bar, I head over to Bishop, throwing my phone in the basket outside Templo, I enter, seeing Alvarez at the table, I take a seat. I watch as Bishop leaves shutting the door behind him.

"Padrino" I say bowing my head.

"I need a favour" Alvarez says getting directly to the point.

"Anything" I tell him.

"Tonight I have to go on this run with the MC, but I need you to stay here. There's a bartender who works at Lucky's, I need you to go down there and make sure she's okay" he says.

"No kutte, just go in order a beer or two, and follow her home, stay parked there until I get there and do not let her know you're following her" he continues.

"Alright, what's she look like?" I ask slightly confused.

"Her name is Britney she's maybe 5'2, she has long brown hair, she drives a red hyundai, you'll know her when you see her" he tells me "Any issues, deal with them quietly and call me"

"Are you expecting issues?" I ask.

"No, but you just never know" he tells me "her shift starts at 8pm, I will see you later" he tells me motioning for me to leave.

Getting up I start to head to the door "oh and Gilly, please do not tell anyone about this" he says.

"Understood" I tell him as I exit Templo grabbing my phone and nodding to Bishop who is sitting at the bar I head out.

Pulling into the parking lot at Lucky's I park my truck up the back, I spy a red hyundai parked next to the back door. "Smart girl" I mutter to myself climbing out of my truck I head inside, nodding to some of the regulars that I know.

Pulling up a chair at the bar that gives me a vantage point of the front door and the bar, I flag down Mitch, the regular bartender.

"Dos Equis please" I call out.

He nods grabbing a bottle out of the fridge, popping the top he hands it to me.
"What's new Gilly?" he asks leaning on the bar.

"Not much, same shit" I tell him "what about you?"

"Same, should I expect trouble tonight?" he asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nah, night off" I tell him.

"Good, that's what I like to hear" he tells me nodding his head as he heads off to another patron who waves him down.

Scanning the bar I realise that Britney is nowhere to be seen, so I keep one eye on the room while making it look like I am watching the game on the TV on the far wall.

I hear the most beautiful laugh ring out across the bar, turning my head I see the owner of the laughter. The woman standing behind the bar is barely tall enough to reach across to the other side. Her dark hair is piled up up top her head, and her curvy frame is dressed in a worn Led Zeppelin shirt and black jeans.

Her face turns to meet mine and her brown eyes grow wide and she cocks an eyebrow when she catches me staring, I feel a heat rising in my cheeks as I turn back to the game on the tv.

"Good work dumbass" I mumble to myself, draining my beer and placing it on the bar.

"Another?" her voice says from next to me, turning to face her I can see her better, her nose is covered in freckles and I notice her neck has a deep red angry scar.

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