Corner Store Girl

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Request: May i have coco headcanons of him falling for a cashier at a corner store.

Coco had been going to the same corner store for years, he was surprised to see a new cashier working one night.

"Where's Mike?" he grunts harsher than he meant to putting his six pack down

The girl behind the counter just shrugs "he just quit, so I'm here now" she replies putting on a brave face.

Coco asks for a pack of smokes, pays and leaves.

He comes back every night, you usually have his pack of smokes ready before he even walks in the door.

He rarely talks besides asking you if everything is okay and one night he gives you his cell number "I live just around the corner any trouble call me" he says avoiding your eyes "Mike and I use to have the same arrangement" he tells you before walking out.

You find yourself looking forward to Coco's visits, he's a little odd but he has a cute smile on the rare occasion he does smile.

One night he rolls in with two other guys, they are both loud and over the top Coco just looks at you mouthing an apology and shrugs. They are stocking up on energy drinks and complaining about a long ride.

When they come up to the counter to pay the tall one smiles at you and winks "well hello beautiful" he says leaning on the counter "I'm Angel" he says holding out his hand for you.

"I'm not interested" you say scanning their drinks, Coco laughs elbowing Angel in the ribs "go, I got these" he says nodding towards the door and Angel and the other guy just look at each other shrugging and head out.

Coco waits until they are gone before turning back to you "I'm going out of town for a few days so I have someone watching out for you okay" he says handing over money for the drinks.

"why?" you ask confused "you don't know me"

he just shrugs "you seem sweet, I don't want something bad to happen to you" he says grabbing the drinks and heading out.

You watch as they take off shaking your head unsure of what to make of any of this.

Coco doesn't return for a few nights but the next time you see him he shows up with pizza leaning up against the counter he opens it "so you work every night" he says not as a question just a statement.

"I do" you reply

"makes it kinda hard to ask you out" he says taking a slice of pizza and taking a bite.

you just shake your head and laugh "you don't even know my name" you reply

"that's the point of a date isn't it, to get to know each other?" he replies

laughing you just take a slice of pizza and introduce yourself. 

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