Never Go to Bed Angry With Miguel - NSFW

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Request: Please do a Miguel x reader makeup sex headcanon?

A/N: I'm doing this from my mobile, so sorry if the formatting is shit, also NSFW clearly.

Fighting with Miguel is a rare occurrence

When it happens though, you usually need some space to cool down

You're both so hot headed to neither of you are likely to apologise first

Miguel tends to lock himself away in his office or distract himself with something work related

This particular fight was pretty bad and Miguel had to go over the border to deal with something leaving mid fight so you end up stewing in your anger for most of the day

By that night you haven't heard from Miguel which has you worried, you forget why you were even fighting.

He arrives back late that night, tired and angry at whatever went wrong.

Coming to bed you can feel the annoyance rolling off him

He starts to apologise

"It's okay Miguel" you tell him pulling him into bed "it feels like a lifetime ago"

You slowly start to massage him, trying to rid his body of the tension of the day

Kissing slowly down his body

It doesn't take long for Miguel to take control, flipping you onto your back pinning you beneath him

His hands are rough as he rips off your clothes and discards them

He's on you like an animal, his lips and stubble leaving marks all over your body causing you to moan in pleasure

His fingers pinching your nipples as he makes his way down across your stomach and between your thighs

His rough pressure doesn't change as he starts to punish your clit, his fingers soon joining his mouth. The friction and toughness driving you crazy

Miguel knows all the right spots to lick, suck and rub to get you off quickly, it's not long before your thighs are shaking and your fingers are pulling his hair as your orgasm explodes.

Miguel gives you no recovery time before his hips have pinned you to the bed and he is fucking you.

His thick cock pounding into you, his fingers gripping your hips. His anger dissolving with each thrust.

Soon you're both a sweaty mess, both of you moaning in pleasure.

As your second orgasm takes over Miguel cums, roaring out collapsing on top of you.

You both lay there catching your breath, before Miguel gets up getting a warm wash cloth and gently cleaning you up.

Climbing back into bed he pulls you into his arms, stroking your hair he kisses your forehead.

"I'm sorry I should never have fought with you today or left the way I did" he says sincerely

"It's okay Miguel, I do enjoy making up with you" you say snuggling in closer

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