Jealous Kiss with Bishop

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Request: Can you do a jealous kiss with Bishop?

You weren't looking forward to tonight's club party, but a few of the Sons were coming down and it was important to Bishop that you were there.

Checking the time, you realised you were supposed to leave work hours ago, sighing you pack up your desk and lock up, heading out to your car you send Bishop a quick text

"Hey babe, I got stuck at the office just heading home to change and I will meet you at the club house"

You drive home blasting your favourite song on the radio singing along, when you pull up in your driveway you are already in a better mood, heading inside you dump your keys in the bowl in your entryway and lock the door behind you.

Racing upstairs you jump through a quick shower, getting out you pull on your favourite sundress and sit down at your vanity fixing your hair and makeup. When you are happy with your appearance you grab your leather jacket out of the closet and some sandals and head back downstairs.

Checking your phone, you see Bishop didn't text you back which is not unusual, you send him a text letting him know you are on your way to the clubhouse.

When you arrive at the scrapyard there are cars everywhere and the party is already in full swing, you park your car behind the office and walk down to the gate, Chucky is on gate duty giving you a wave he slides the gate open enough for you to slide in, the yard is full of people drinking and dancing, you glance around recognising a few of the people around, but you don't see any of the MC. You head inside and see prospect behind the bar

"Hey Ez" you say walking over and taking a seat "where is everyone?" you ask

"Temple" he says nodding to the closed door

"That's late, what's going on?" you ask

Ez just shrugs "No idea" he replies

Before you can press him further you hear the familiar rumble of bikes pulling into the yard, looking at Ez "Sons are here, you should probably go interrupt temple" you say getting up from the stool and heading out the door

As you walk outside you see Les Packer President of SAMDINO walking down the stairs you embrace your friend "Hey stranger" you say

"Hey yourself" he says wrapping you up in a hug "Where's your old man?" he asks releasing you

"Wrapping up Temple" you say, "Let's get you guys some drinks, I'm sure you've had a long ride"

Walking back into the clubhouse you resume your seat at the bar, Les joining you

"It's so good to see you" he says taking a swing of the beer Ez just put in front of him, a moment later you see the Temple door open and the MC walk out, Bishop sees you talking to Les at the bar and heads over shaking Les's hand

"I see my old lady is keeping you company" Bishop says

"Who you are calling old?" you retort

Both men laugh "Not you Y/N, you are more beautiful and younger than the last time I saw you" Les says

Bishop just looks at the other president, stepping towards you and wrapping his arms around you kissing you on the neck, he looks back at Les "Yes she is, but don't forget she's all mine" he says a hint of jealously in his tone

Rolling your eyes "I am not a piece of property" you say turning on your stool looking up at Bishop wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him deeply pulling back "lucky for you, I choose to be with you, for the rest of our lives"

"A decision that baffles us all" you hear Riz say from behind Bishop causing the room to burst into laughter

Bishop just pulls you in closer for another kiss causing the room to groan and you hear Angel yell "Get a room you two"

Bishop pulls away looking at you "That's an excellent idea" he says laughing picking you up and carrying you into Temple kicking the door shut behind you. 

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