Nestor Smut - Final

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Request: Could you please do Nestor and "Could he make you feel as good as I do?"

Getting ready the following morning you notice there is a faint bite mark on your neck, smiling to yourself you attempt to cover it up not wanting Emily to bombard you with questions.

You hear your phone vibrate checking it you see a message from Nestor


You finish getting dressed, grabbing your bag you head outside jumping in the car

"Took you long enough" Nestor grumbles

"I was still getting ready" you reply shrugging

"Are you always late to everything?" He says as he pulls out of your driveway

"Ohhhh coffee" You reply spying two cups of coffee in the centre console and ignoring his jab at your time management, reaching for one Nestor swats your hand away

"Coffee is for people who are on time" he says grabbing one of the cups out draining it in two sips

"Listen here Elsa, you may be a badass but you don't want to get between me and coffee" you say attempting to get the second cup, Nestor grabs your wrist laughing

"What happened to being nice? Do you want a repeat of last night?" He says winking at you "also who the fuck is Elsa?"

"Give me the coffee and I will tell you" you reply smugly

Nestor grabs the cup of coffee, putting it up to his lips he quickly finishes it and hands you the empty cup

Glaring at him you realise you've arrived at the Galindo house, As Nestor puts the car into park you lean over gently tugging his braid "let it go Elsa" you jump out of the car and storm inside

"Morning" you grumble to Miguel and Emily as you head straight for the pot of coffee in the kitchen pouring a giant mug of coffee and joining them at the table

Three weeks later

"Okay, where are the signed DEA papers?" Miguel asks from his desk

Not looking up you reply "Red folders in front of your desk, green are the evidence against you and blue is the intel we have on the rebels"

Sorting through the stack in front of you putting them in the correct files you check the time "Shit" you say jumping up "I have to go"

Miguel looks at you puzzled, Emily pipes up from the chair opposite him "She has a date"

"A date?" Miguel asks playfully "Well, have fun" he replies

Grabbing your bag "Night, see you tomorrow" you reply heading out of the office and up the stairs, as you are walking out the front door digging your car keys out of your bag you run into something solid and warm, looking up you see Nestor standing in front you

"Hey" you say smiling

Moving aside he nods hello and heads inside, sighing you find your keys and climb in pulling out of the driveway you think back over the past few weeks to what you could have done to annoy him, he had been away for a week and then he had been cold and distance since, before you knew it you had arrived at the restaurant for your date. Sighing you put Nestor out of your mind and head inside.

During your date your mind kept wandering back to Nestor, which was starting to irritate you, you were on a date with a perfectly nice guy Alex who you knew through your old job, but all you could think about was Nestor's teeth scraping against your neck.

Heading home after your date, you realise you are irrationally angry at Nestor, storming inside you head to bed, before crawling under the blankets you send a quick text

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