For The First Time - Angel

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"When you were a kid did you ever hold your arms out and spin around in circles?" Angel asks me

"Sure" I reply laughing "what kid didn't?"

The cool night air causing me to shiver I snuggle in closer to Angels chest, looking up at the stars above.

"Have you ever done it when your drunk?" He asks

"Hmmm" I pause thinking "can't say that I have"

"I did it once with Coco, I ended up throwing up everywhere"

"Of course you did" I say laughing at the image

"Well you know that feeling? That's how you make me feel" He says kissing my forehead

"What? Like you want to throw up?" I ask him looking up at him, my arms resting on his chest

"No, I'm not very good at this am I?" He says nervously "What I'm trying to say is that you make me feel dizzy, and free and like I could fly"

Pausing he tucks my hair behind my ears "I love you" He says biting his lip "you don't have to say it back or anything I just wanted you to know"

Leaning forward I kiss him softly, pressing my forehead to his "Well Guess What? I love you too Angel Reyes"

His face lights up with his big goofy grin "Yeah?" He asks wrapping his arms around me

"Yeah" I reply leaning in kissing him again

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