What's in a name - Part One

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The doorbell chimes and the heavy door closes as quickly as it opens a rush of hot air entering the bookstore. Ignoring it I continue to read my book.

"You know P, usually when a customer enters the store you greet them" Ez says playfully as he leans on the counter

"It's 2pm" I say turning the page not looking up

"Okay" Ez says slowly "I don't get it"

Sighing I close my book looking at him "Sunday is the slowest day, I never get any customers, that's why I take this shift, but every Sunday for the last three months at 2pm on the dot you walk through that door" I say smirking at him

"So am I not a customer?" He asks laughing

"Well since the pile of books I know you're going to buy is under the counter not really" I tell him

"Well then I might just look around something else might catch my interest" he says pushing off the counter and heading into the stacks

The next ten minutes pass in silence as I keep reading my book then I hear Ez call out


A puzzled look forms on my face as I look around for him, sliding off my stool I follow the sound of his voice

"Phoebe?" He asks as I round the bookcase finding him in the baby section with a name book open

"No and No" I say laughing leaning against the shelves

"Paige?" He says looking up at me

"You're never going to guess it Ez, so give up" I say laughing heading back to the counter

"Piper?" He asks following me

Laughing I ask "been watching charmed have we?"

"No" he says a little too defensively

"It's not Piper, seriously you will never guess" I say

"Does it even start with a P?" He asks putting the baby name book on the counter

Leaning down I grab the small pile of books I ordered for him out "it does" I tell him ringing up his total and applying my staff discount

"You know you don't have to do that" he says softly

"I know" I reply bagging the books up as he hands me the cash for his books

Giving him his change "see you next Sunday" I say smiling

"What if we saw each other before then?" He asks "maybe we meet somewhere and share a meal?"

"Like a dinner date?" I ask

"Yeah like a dinner date" he says

"Well maybe if you ask me out on a date I'll say yes, until then I will see you Sunday" I say smirking

"Alright" He says grabbing his books "see you on next Sunday"

Pausing at the door he turns back to me "hey P, do you want to go out for dinner on Thursday night?" He asks his voice wavering

"Not on Thursday, I have study group but I can do Friday" I reply

"I have a thing on Friday" he replies "what about Saturday?"

"Saturday sounds good" I say "meet me here at 7?"

"Yeah I will see you Saturday" he says smiling

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