New beginnings with Nestor

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Request: can I please get ""if you walk out that door, we are done" and "I never wanted to live in a world where I am not with you" with Nestor please?

"if you walk out that door, we are done Nestor, I am serious this time" I say fighting back tears.

"No you're not" he replies turning to face me pain across his face "you never are" he says as he shuts the door.

Rage welling up inside of me I throw my arms along the dining room table, pushing all the plates to the floor, the smashing of china deafening in the empty house.

Storming to our bedroom, I grab my suitcase out of the walk in robe, throwing it on the bed I start packing my clothes and important items, zipping the suitcase up I head into the study.

Opening the safe I take out my passport and put my engagement ring inside, grabbing a note card off the desk I quickly scrawl 'I never wanted to live in a world where I am not with you, but these secrets are killing me and I can't be with you until it changes, I'm sorry' shutting the safe I turn my phone off and I place it on Nestor's desk along with my house keys.

Heading out to my car, I throw my suitcase in the trunk, climbing inside and starting my car I start driving, It's not long before I am on the highway, heading towards Los Angeles.

A few hours later I am pulling into my sisters driveway, turning my car off I rest my arms and head on the steering wheel as the tears start to fall.

I am not sure how long I am in this position for, but I am vaguely aware of someone opening my car door and leading me inside.

The next morning

Rolling over I am surprised to collide with a warm body, sitting up I find my sister in bed next to me.

Climbing over her I head out to the kitchen turning on the coffee pot.

"What happened this time?" I hear my sister ask as she enters the kitchen.

Pouring two mugs of coffee I hand her one.

"I can't do it anymore" I reply taking a sip of my coffee.

Sighing my sister sits down at the kitchen table "I've heard that before" she mutters

"I was offered my old job back in New York, he wouldn't even consider it" I say joining her

My sister raises her eyebrow at me but doesn't say anything.

"I'm going to book a flight today, I'm serious this time" I tell her

"He won't let go so easily" she says taking my hand.

"He made his choice" I reply smiling sadly at her "I was never going to be his first option"

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