Sweet with Coco

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A/N: Part two of Salty I'm sorry this took me so long, there is going to probably be a third and forth part to this. 

"So how was your date?" Letty pounces on me as soon as I walk in the door for the second time this evening.

"It was fine" I mumble kicking off my boots

"what do you mean it was fine?" she says blocking my path "tell me all about"

"it was fine" I tell her "I'm tired and I want to go to bed" I say manoeuvring around her and heading down the corridor kicking my bedroom door shut. Throwing my kutte on the chair and collapsing onto the bed staring up at the ceiling, I replay the nights events over and over.

I must've drifted off because the next thing I remember is Letty screeching at me "you are the worst"

groggily I open my eyes to Letty standing over me

"I set you up on this nice date and you just ruined it" she exclaims her arms flailing around "how are you gonna find a nice woman to take care of you when I'm gone seriously? Gracie was a great match for you she's kind, she's funny, and you just blew it urghhhhh" she says storming out of my room in a huff slamming the door behind her.

Groaning I just shove my head back into my pillow vowing to take Letty to breakfast in the morning to make it up to her.

The following morning Letty is fast asleep when I wake up, I quickly dress and head out to her favourite diner, grabbing an order of pancakes, extra bacon and extra syrup for her and scrambled eggs and strong coffee for me. Heading home, I set up breakfast outside, taking the container of syrup out of the bag I head into Letty's room waving it in front of her nose, a moment later one eye opens

"I'm still mad at you" she groans sitting up glaring.

"I know" I groan "come on, let's eat" I say heading out of her room. I hear Letty grumbling under her breath as she climbs out of bed belligerently following me outside.

Folding herself into a chair she pulls her pancakes close, holding her hand out for the tub of syrup glaring impatiently, It would be funny if I didn't know she would kick my ass in two seconds if I didn't hand it over.

Placing the syrup in her hand, I take a seat at the table sipping my coffee bracing myself for hurricane Letty and the hell she's about to unleash on me.

"Seriously dude? What the hell?" she asks her mouth full of pancakes.

Sighing I sip my coffee "you wouldn't get it" I mumble.

"Try me" she snaps defensively.

"Alright" I start putting my coffee on the table "Grace was great but she was too sweet, this life Letty, it chews you up and spits you out. It's not for sweet women and I think you know that"

"Shouldn't Gracie get to decide that?" She challenges me "plus I think she knew what she was getting herself into, I sent her a picture of you in a tank top, she saw all your ink"

Groaning I don't have the energy to yell at Letty "some women want a bad boy to fix up, I don't wanna give up my life Let, I like it. End of discussion" I tell her reaching for my coffee and standing up kissing her on the top of her head I head inside.

"Hey Coco?" She calls our

"Yeah" I say pausing in the doorway

"Maybe you should give her a second chance, just because she looks sweet, doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's getting into" Letty tells me before shoving more pancakes into her mouth.

Shaking my head I head inside to get ready for work not having the heart to tell Letty the nice girl she was talking too wasn't even Grace.

Pulling into the after checking in with Bishop I start my shift at the scrapyard, it's a quiet day with Angel and Ez off on a run and find my thoughts drifting back to Grace by the time I finish my shift I'm desperate for a beer.

Heading inside I find the clubhouse empty, grabbing a beer out of the fridge I sit down on the couch sipping it slowly, lighting up a smoke and letting Letty's words roll over in my head.

"You alright?" Hanks voice asks pulling me out of my own head

"Huh?" I say realising he's sitting across from me nursing his own beer and the clubhouse has filled up with people "oh yeah just got some shit on my mind"

"Got anything to do with your date last night?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"Shit who didn't Letty tell?" I grumble

"Nah you've got Angel to thank for that one" he replies laughing.

Shaking my head I drain my beer, Hank nods to a bottle on the table in front of me picking it up I take a swing from the cold liquid.

"So what was she like?" Hank asks.

"Too fucking sweet for me and my fucked up life" I tell him "she fucking illustrates children's books" shaking my head I drain my beer desperate for something harder to take the edge off.

Hank looks at me puzzled "wait, you went on a date with Grace Skyler?"

"Uhh I don't know, I think so why?" I say confused.

Hank just lets out a deep belly shaking laugh "come on brother, let's take a drive"

Confused I get up and follow him out of the clubhouse, we get in my car and he gives me directions to a warehouse district in Oakland. Pulling into the lot I can see lots of cars in the lot but it's dark and there are no people around.

"Better leave our kuttes in the trunk, I would rather blend in tonight" he says.

I still have no fucking idea what is going on but I follow his lead, locking our kuttes in my trunk we head down towards a maze of warehouses coming to a stop in front of one. Entering the door I'm hit with the smell of sawdust and blood. The room is packed with people screaming and cheering. A few people instantly recognise Hank, either shaking his hand or stepping out of his way, we make our way to the side of the room. I can see a makeshift dirt rink in the middle of the room where two women are bare knuckle boxing.

"Holy shit" I mutter under my breath my eyes growing wide.

"Still think she's too sweet?" Hank says smirking at me. 

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