Family Part One

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Climbing up the familiar porch steps, the door swings open and Felipe is standing there arms wide open "Mija" his warm voice a comfort to me

Wrapping my arms around the old man I squeeze tightly "Hey old man" I say rubbing my back he kisses my forehead and pulls away

"Tea?" he asks

"That would be great" I reply warmly and entering the house

Entering the kitchen I kiss my fingers and press them to Marisol's urn "I miss you" I murmur, taking a seat at the table I watch Felipe make tea

"Shall we sit outside?" he asks handing me a mug

"Sounds good" I reply standing and heading back out to the front porch, sitting on the top step Felipe groans as he sits down next to me

"I'm sorry to hear about your pops" he says

"You'd be the first, the mean bastard got what he deserved" I reply my voice bitter

We sit in silence for a few minutes

"So Ez's home, how's that going?" I ask

"Trouble, but it's nice to have him home" he says softly

"Angel not taking it well?" I ask

"Ez prospecting for the club" he says shrugging

"I'm sure that's going well" I say sarcastically

"Planning on seeing them while your in town?" he asks

"I don't think that would go very well" I reply "I didn't leave on the best terms, with either of them"

"It's been a long time" he says encouragingly "you never know"

Before I can respond I hear the roar of motorcycles pull into Felipe's street

"Shit" I mutter under my breath looking at him
Shrugging he just smiles into his tea taking a sip

Putting my mug down on the porch, I wipe my hands on my jeans standing up "It was good to see you old man, but I should be going"

Stepping off the porch I see Angel and Ez pulling their bikes into the driveway, both of them seeing me at the same time

"Well if it isn't my favourite two Reye's brothers" I say smiling

Climbing off his bike Ez is in front of me in two steps wrapping me up in his arms and spinning me around "It's so good to see you" he says a massive smile on his face

Laughing I hug him back "Yeah, it's good to see you too" putting me back down he steps back taking a good look at me

"Why are you back?" he asks

"My dad died, so I'm here packing the house up" I reply

"Shit" Ez replies "Do you need help?"

"Nah, I got it, it's good" I reply

"You should come over for dinner tonight" he says looking at Felipe

"Ahhh yeah maybe" I reply "Anyway I have to go" waving goodbye to Felipe I kiss Ez on the cheek "See you boy wonder"

Walking out onto the street I pause at Angel's bike, he doesn't look at me "It's good to see you Angel" I tell him

He sits there motionless, sighing I cross the street climbing into my car and pulling out, looking in my rear view mirror I can see Angel watching me drive away. 

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