Safety First with Bishop

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Request: Could be please do #19 "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe" with Bishop Losa. I just love that man. 

You quietly sneak into your dark house, slipping your shoes off and locking the door behind you. You start to tip toe upstairs, stepping over the step that creaks. As you reach the top of the stairs you see soft lamp light coming from your bedroom. You walk down the corridor leaning against the door frame. Bishop is sitting up in bed shirtless, his glasses sitting on the edge of his nose while he is reading.

"Hey old man" you say softly

"Who you calling old? We're you not just celebrating your birthday?" he says chuckling

you strip off your dress and grab one of Bishop's shirts off the floor, sliding it over your head. You pull your hair into a bun and climb into bed snuggling into Bishop's side.

"How was your night?" he says taking his glasses off and wrapping an arm around you

"It was really good, the girls had a great time" you reply, "They really loved it when I spotted the prospect and Angel following us around the club too"

"You don't know anything about that, do you?" you ask

"I would never have the guys follow you without you knowing" he says leaning down to kiss your forehead

"Obispo Losa don't you dare lie to me" you say poking him in his side

"Okay, well I may have suggested to the prospect and Angel that they should go to the club and keep an eye on you and your friends, you know me I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe" he says stroking your cheek

You sigh, you rest your head on Bishop's chest and his hand pulls your hair out of your bun. Playing with your hair he asks, "Are you mad?"

Sitting up you look at Bishop "I'm not mad, how can I be mad at that face?" you say leaning in kissing him sliding your hands over his chest and down his arms. He wraps his arms around you pulling you closer and kissing you deeper.

You straddle his waist and pull away from his kiss "Just next time, send Coco or Gilly? The girls were more interested in Angel and the prospect than spending time with me" you say laughing

"Promise. Though I better make it up to you, being ignored on your birthday is just unacceptable" he says running his fingers down your back pulling the bottom of your shirt up touching your bare skin.

"Happy birthday baby" he whispers in your ear as he lays you down across the bed. 

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