Christmas Kisses with Nestor

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Humming along to the Christmas music coming through the surround sound, tangled Christmas lights surround me.

'I have no idea how this happens every year' I think to myself as I attempt to unravel them.

"You know the Christmas tree is suppose to go up before Christmas?" Nestor declares as he walks into our living room.

"Your home early" I exclaim jumping up from the floor, my feet getting tangled in the Christmas lights as I fall forward. Nestor is across the room in two steps catching me before I fall.

"Your clumsiness is only worse since getting pregnant" he teases.

"Well this baby is huge and throws me off balance" I huff in my defence.

Standing me upright he helps out of the tangle of lights, he laughs as he guides me to the couch.

"I'm going to get changed, you relax and when I get back I will finish the tree" he tells me kissing me on the forehead.

Watching as he walks down to our bedroom, I snuggle back into the couch, propping a pillow under my legs.

A few minutes later Nestor returns, pushing his sleeves up he comes over kissing me "mmm you taste good" he whispers against my lips, leaning further over the couch.

"It must me the six christmas cookies I ate before you got home," I reply.

"Only six?" he asks cocking his eyebrow smirking at me.

"Well six out of the new batch" I say laughing.

Shaking his head Nestor leans over kissing me deeper, my fingers lacing around the back of his neck pulling him closer, he guides himself over the back of the couch, between my legs, holding himself up on the cushions surrounding me.

"You know if you keep kissing me like this, this tree isn't going to get finished" he softly moans.

"Well Christmas is over" I say wrapping my legs around him pulling him deeper into me. 

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