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A/N: Part 3 to Salty. 

I spend the drive back in a daze, my mind racing a mile a minute 'how could the cute children's book illustrator be that bad ass bare knuckle boxer?' I think to myself.

Reflecting on our date the night before I remember nothing rough about her, everything was soft and warm, shaking my head I try to focus on the road in front of me.

Tranq doesn't speak, he just focuses on the road, the highway putting distance between Grace and I. Pulling into the clubhouse I don't get out of my car, Tranq climbs out.

"You good?" he asks leaning on the door.

I just nod, lighting a cigarette up.

"Alright" he says closing the door waving me off.

Heading home, I can't shake Grace from my mind, the two conflicting images battling it out as I climb into bed and drift off.

The next morning Grace is my first thought, her green eyes piercing my mind.

I barely mumble a hello to Letty as she hands me a coffee, we stand in the kitchen in silence as she finishes packing her lunch for school.

"Bye" she says slamming the front door behind her.

Groaning I know that's another problem I need to deal with, but I wait five minutes and head into Letty's room, grabbing her laptop the desktop instantly opens 'thank god she doesn't have a password' I think to myself as I open up her web browser and open her history.

I scroll until I find Grace's website, opening it up it loads with two options her children's work and her adult work, puzzled I don't remember Grace saying she did adult work. I click on her children's work first. I spend the next hour browsing her illustrations and reading her blog. She's incredibly talented, her softness comes through in each drawing and word.

After looking at most of her children's work I navigate back to the home page and load her adult work.

My heart stops and my body goes cold as a chill runs through it, her adult work is dark, gritty and violent. It radiates anger in the most beautiful way. I can barely believe these were the same artist and if I hadn't have witnessed what I did last night, I wouldn't have been convinced.

Scrolling through her pieces each piece brings a reaction to my chest that I can't explain, a notification that Letty's laptop is dying pulls me out of my exploring and I realise I have been lost in Grace's work for hours.

"Shit" I mumble.

Remembering Grace said she had a show on Saturday I click on 'upcoming shows' and I am surprised to see she has a showing of her adult work in Oakland tonight.

Checking the time I realise if I leave now I would just make it in time.

Leaving a quick note for Letty and pizza money, I fire off a text to Angel and Ez telling them to keep an eye on her tonight and a second message to Tranq letting him know where I was going.

Climbing into my car I started the drive to Oakland, refusing to let my past stop me from living in the now. 

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