Lost Daughter Broken Son with Angel

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A frantic pounding at my door rouses me from my sleep. Climbing out of bed and throwing my dressing gown on, I race to the front door.

Looking through the peephole, I see him slumped against my door frame, pounding on my door.

"Come on Han, open up" he slurs.

Flinging open my door he stumbles towards me, pushing him back outside I step out onto the porch, the cold night air stinging my face.

"I want to see her Hannah" he says stumbling over himself.

Laughing at the insanity of the situation "You're kidding me right? You're completely wasted, and it's 3am" I hiss at him.

"I don't care" he mumbles.

"You may not care Angel, but I do" I tell him "Now I think you should go" I turn to go back inside.

"I want to see my daughter" he bellows at me.

"Oh now she's your daughter" I hiss turning on my heel, letting my emotions get the better of me "where were you when she got chicken pox at age 2 and I had to hold her every night, so she would stop screaming? Or her first day of school? Or better yet Angel, where the fuck were you when I was giving birth? Huh?" my voice raising at each point.

"Mommy?" I hear Ava's soft voice from the door, turning I see my baby girl standing there, cowering behind the door.

"Hey baby" I say soothingly "its okay, this man is just lost, go get back into bed" I tell her.

"Okay" she says timidly closing the door.

"Is that her?" he asks softly, I can see tears in his eyes, his face is pale.

"Yes Angel, that's her" I reply wrapping my dressing gown tighter around me and turning to face him.

"She's beautiful" he says, tears falling down his face.

"Yeah she is, and I don't need her exposed to this ugliness" I reply gesturing towards his kutte.

Turning my back to him, I open my front door, pausing I look up at him "Angel? Sober up and come back without the kutte and we can talk, I am not making any promises but" I tell him.

"Thanks Hannah" he mutters stepping off my porch.

Closing the door behind me, I lock it sighing I look down the hall to Ava's room.

Walking down there I see her bed empty "Ava?" I call out.

"I'm in here mommy" I hear her say her voice coming from my bedroom.

Walking in I see her snuggled under my covers "can I sleep with you? I'm scared" she asks softly.

"Of course baby" I say taking my dressing gown off and climbing into bed beside her, pulling her close. 

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