Hot and Steamy - NSFW

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Request: Could you do a shower sex preference for Riz pretty please?

Riz loves when you surprise him with shower sex.

He loves coming home from a long ride, turning the shower too hot as possible and stepping under the spray, letting it loosen him up.

you sliding in behind him? is just an added bonus.

you give the best massages, you know all the right pressure points to hit to make his knees weak, and his dick rock hard.

he just groans and sinks to his knees when you loosen the knot between his shoulder blades, right where you want him.

pushing his head forward you grab the bottle of shampoo, and start washing his hair, giving his scalp a deep massage, causing some ungodly noises out of him.

After rinsing and conditioning, Riz turns around still on his knees "your turn" he says with a wicked grin, before you even have a chance to prepare your self he's parting your thighs and is eating you out like a starved man.

His fingers massaging your thighs, as your fingers grip his hair.

soon the only sounds in the bathroom are your moans and screams of pleasure.

Riz doesn't stop, as soon as you come down from your first orgasm, he has you positioned against the wall, one leg wrapped around his waist as he enters you, long, slow, purposeful strokes.

He loves to tease you, his index finger massaging your clit.

your fingers still tugging on his hair.

His lips and teeth nipping at your neck, as his tempo increases and he fucks you harder into the wall.

soon you're both groaning out loudly in pleasure, and you're sure you're going to fall or break the shower.

As soon as your about to cum Riz lifts your other leg wrapping it around his waist, holding you up, so he can go deeper.

you collapse against him in an exhausted mess, moaning into his neck, a few hard thrusts and Riz is cumming inside of you, moaning your name as his fingers dig deep into the flesh of your hips.

you both stay in this position for a few moments letting the warm water flow over you.

Before Riz untangles you and gently cleans you up before cleaning himself up. 

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