BeMayanValentine - Nestor

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"How come every time we meet, you're covered in blood?" I ask as I watch one of the security men bring Nestor into my back room.
"Hazards of the job" he replies grimacing as he sits down.
"thought of getting a new job?" I ask him as I pull my gloves on.
"I meant your job" he replies smirking at me.
"Nice to know you've still got a sense of humour" I reply "alright shirt off" I tell him as I walk over.
Examining the bullet hole I'm happy to see it's a straight through, grabbing a pile of cotton wool I start to clean the wound.
"luckily it's a straight through and you'll just need a few stitches" I tell him.
"thanks doc" he mutters wincing at the alcohol cleaning the wound "no valentines date?" he asks.
"nope" I reply laughing "doctors don't get time to date, we tend to run on weird schedules and 3am is an odd time for a date"
Nestor doesn't respond as I start to stitch him up.
"what about patients? Can doctors date patients?" he asks as I apply the dressing over the stitches.
"no, that violates all sorts of rules" I tell him "alright, all done."
Cleaning up all the gauzes I throw them in the bin along with my gloves, heading over to my lockbox I take out antibiotics and some painkillers. 
Writing down the instructions on a slip of paper I pack everything that Nestor will need into a zip lock bag.

"what are you doing now?" he asks me.

"besides patching you up?" I ask confused.

He just nods.

"I was planning on going to bed" I reply.

"Do you want to go on a valentines date?" he asks me softly.

"with you?" I ask surprised.

"yeah" he replies smiling at me.

"I'd like that, but it is 3am" I reply.

"I'm up for an adventure if you are" he says offering me his hand.

Sliding my hand into his "an adventure is just what I need" I tell him.

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