Daddys girls with Coco

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Request: 35,45,56 with Coco por favor if you're still taking requests.
" I didn't have a choice. " " You had a kid and decided to walk out. You don't get to call the shots round here. " " Who the hell abandons someone they 'love'? "

A/N: What if the tables were turned? And Coco was left with a baby, I hope you like this.

"Come on princesa, if you keep movin its gonna hurt" Coco mumbles, his mouth full of hair ties as he tries to tame his youngest daughters hair.

"Daddy nooooo" she screams wiggling out of Coco's grip.

"Lulu" Coco calls out after her as she runs down the hallway to Letti's room.

"Come on Lulu, it's not that bad" Letti says sweeping her baby sister up into her arms "How's about I do your hair while dad makes breakfast?"

Lulu nods as Letti wipes the tears off her face.

Sighing Coco stands up silently thanking Letti as he hands her the brush and hair ties.

Walking into the kitchen, he grabs the eggs and milk out of the fridge and makes scrambled eggs on toast for the girls as he packs their school lunches.

The girls quickly scoff down their breakfast and Letti packs their lunches into their school bags.

"Come on Lulu, we are going to miss the bus" Letti says hurrying her little sister along.

"Bye daddy" Lulu says throwing herself into Coco's arms kissing him "see you tonight."

"Have a good day at school and I will see you this afternoon okay? Uncle Chucky is going to pick you up from school" Coco says smothering her in kisses.

Laughing she wiggles out of Coco's grip, Letti kisses his cheek.

"Bye dad" she says as she bounces off with Lulu out the apartment door.

Rubbing his temples, Coco lights a cigarette as he quickly cleans up the breakfast mess, feeling his phone buzz in his pocket he answers without looking at the caller ID.

"What" he says as he stacks the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Hey Johnny, its uhhh Lucia" the voice on the other end of the line says.

Pausing Coco takes a deep drag of his cigarette anger boiling up in him at the sound of the familiar voice.

"What do you want?" he spits. 

"Can we meet for coffee? I want to talk" she mumbles nervously.

Snorting Coco checks the time on the microwave "I can meet you in 30 minutes at the diner or else not at all" he replies curtly.

"Okay, see you then" Lucia replies hanging up.

Groaning Coco lights up another cigarette and quickly texts Angel, hoping he will cover for him at the scrapyard.

Sighing Coco grabs his Kutte and heads out.

Walking into the diner he's surprised to see Lucia already there sitting in a booth at the back.

Making his way to her, he slides in across from her.

"What do you want?" he asks sitting down getting straight to the point.

"I want to see my babies" she replies "I miss them."

"Oh you miss them?" Coco replies struggling not to yell.

"Yes I do Coco and you can't stop me from seeing them, their my daughters too" Lucia replies squaring her shoulders, her voice firm.

Laughing coldly Coco glares at her "You had two kids and decided to walk out, not once but twice. You don't get to call the shots round here."

"I didn't have a choice" Lucia replies fighting back tears.

"You didn't have a choice?" Coco replies laughing again "Jesus Lucia, is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night? You made a choice, you had Leticia and dumped her on my doorstep, then showed up ten years later promising to be a family and then as soon as you had Luciana you dumped her on me and left again. Luciana doesn't even know who you are" Coco spits.

"I didn't know how to be a mom" she replies tears sliding down her cheeks "I love them both so much, I did what I thought was best."

"Who the hell abandons someone they 'love'?" Coco replies with pity "I'm going to do what I think is best and you will not come anywhere near my daughters, have I made myself clear?" Coco replies pointedly.

Nodding Lucia watches Coco get up from the booth and walk out the door without a second glance. Once she watches him pull out of the parking lot, deep heaving sobs escape her chest.

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