Chapter 1.

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Amber's POV.

The funeral was later on that day. It was Kurt who found his dads body by the woods.

I can't believe someone would kill him like that in cold blood. With a bullet. Alpha George was a kind man. No one had anything against him.

I feel lost right now. I can't sense Connor. I don't feel him at all. It's as if he doesn't exist anymore. I feel how I did before I met him. How I felt without a mate.

I want to know who took Connor and why. As we stand in the pack house yard, everyone dressed in black. Kurt stands on the porch. He looks like he's been crying. I haven't cried yet. I just feel empty. Next to Kurt in a chair is his mother.

She is currently trying as hard as she can not to cry, but tears are still streaming down her face anyway.

This is so upsetting. I couldn't believe it when it happened. We were talking when suddenly Kurt's mother starts breathing as if she's been hurt.

We all looked at her and it registered in our minds what happened when she started screaming.

Howls left her. Ones of pain and anguish. She fell to her knees and Bète Rick was the one to catch her.

Kurt took off running out the door. I followed because I knew Connor was outside.

I heard a yell from Kurt suddenly and I turned in his direction. He was on his knees next to his fathers body.

Seconds later he lifted his head to the sky and screamed in anger and pain.

I looked around. Connor's scent disappears around the tree line and it replaced by the scent of silver.

I took off into the woods trying to find Connor. I screamed his name over and over. I couldn't find him. I couldn't sense him. I couldn't contact him. It's as if he just disappeared.

After a few minutes I went back and saw Kurt hadn't moved, but a small crowd had gathered. All the Alpha's were outside now.

They all lowered themselves down and bowed their heads in respect to the fallen Alpha.

Alpha Grace got down next to Kurt and placed her hand on his shoulder. She used her other hand and closed Aloha George's eyes.

Now here we are at his funeral. Kurt stood taller and everyone quieted down.

Kurt held up his hand. In his hand was a bullet. " Earlier today Alpha George was shot a killed in the wood line just behind the pack house. He was murdered and what killed him was this silver bullet. " says Kurt.

Everyone gasped. People started to cry all around me. My father being one of them. He was very close to Alpha George.

" He didn't suffer though. His death was instant. A day of celebration is now a day of mourning. Alpha George was a great man. Always kind to the members of his pack. Always gentle with kids and never rude unless he had to be. He was a great Alpha and will be truly missed. " says Kurt. He blinks and I can see tears start to roll down his face. Cassandra is standing by him and places her hand on his shoulder.

" I want to know who did this. I want to know how silver like this got onto our pack grounds without any of us knowing. If anyone has any idea as to who did this, I urge them to step forward. I just pray they no one here was a part of this. He will be buried in the pack graveyard next to his parents. Only family will being going there after this. Afterwards everyone else can visit his grave. " says Kurt.

He stepped aside so someone else could go up and say something.

It was Alpha Conan. " I am truly sorry for the loss of Aloha George. He was a great man and a wonderful, strong leader. I am sad he had to go out like that. Connor, my son is missing. He was with Alpha George at the time he was killed, we know this because his scent disappears by the woods where it happened and he is nowhere to be found. If anyone knows anything. Please step forward and let us know. " says Alpha Conan.

I feel my eyes start to sting. This is so awful. Everything becomes overwhelming now. It's like their voices have become muffled and I can't take it anymore.

I turn and push my way through the crowd. Mumbling apologies as I do so. Once I'm out I take off running. I don't know where I'm headed. I just need to get out of there now.

I run to the woods and before I know it I'm at the spot Connor used to sleep at. It feels different here and I can still smell his scent. Just barely. I sit down and try to take deep breaths.

My eyes are blurry now. I feel the tears. Why did this have to happen? I don't understand. Where is Connor? 

What if something and happened to him? What if he's dead and I just can't feel it? No, I can't think like that. If he was dead I'd know.

Still, tears start to pour down my face. This day started off good and turned awful. As sobs start to force their way out of my body I hear a rustle in the woods.

I look and spot my mother. She's got tears flowing down her face as well. She says nothing as she sit down by me. She holds her arms out and I lunge at her.

She pulls me into her lap and hugs me to her. Both of us crying our hearts out. Seeking comfort from each other. Alpha George was the best Alpha I knew. He didn't deserve to go out like that. I can only imagine what Connor is going through after having seen it happen. I wish I was there with him.

I wish he was here with me. I try to push those thoughts away and just sit there crying with my mother. Nothing else we can do at this time, but mourn for the loved one lost and the loved one missing.

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A/N. Hey guys. First chapter of the new book. I know sad way to start it. Hope you'll enjoy this book as well. The next chapter will be in Kurt's POV. Until then. :-).

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