Distant. chapter 1

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"Omg, I can't believe we're doing this", my best friend Ava squealed through the phone. "I know me either. Listen I'm about to board the plane, I'll call you when I land," I reply. Just before I hang up, I hear Ava's voice again, she tells me that she is still packing, so Jane and Tara will pick me up. "No problem", I cheerfully respond, then hang up. I begin to board the plane, and start looking for my seat. After only a few minutes I find my seat, but before I can even put my bags up I hear the flight attendant announce something. "Excuse me if there is anyone willing to take a seat in first class it would be much appreciated." Hell yeah I don't mind if I do. I raise my hand and volunteer. The flight attendant gestures for me to come with her. I couldn't help, but to notice how sweet she looked as I followed behind. I then start to think about how crazy it is that I'm about to fly first class to L.A. I'm surprised no one else volunteered before me. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a soft voice telling me this is my new seat. I put my stuff up and thank the flight attendant, before sitting down. I pull out my phone and get some headphones out, as someone who gets lost in her thoughts a lot music helps calm my mind. I turn on Spotify and doze off to sleep for about two hours. I wake up and check the time on my phone, it's only ten-fifteen. Man what am I gonna do for three more hours. I sit up in my chair as the flight attendant from earlier strolls down the aisle with a cart of snacks and drinks. She gets to my area and asked me what I would like, if anything. I ask for two of the mini bags of popcorn and two white claws, because why the hell not. I might as well just watch some Netflix the rest of the way to L.A. She hands me all the items then moves further down. I pull my phone back out, plug it in to charge, and open up Netflix. I binge watch a few shows and enjoy my snacks until the plane is five minutes until landing. As the plane starts to land I become anxious, I know I should be excited and I am, but I'm scared. Moving from Hawaii to L.A. is kind of big, what if YouTube doesn't turn out how I expected it to, or something happens with the house. Okay I just need to calm down, everything's fine. I'm moving in with my best friends, no matter what they'll be there for me through thick and thin. Okay I feel a little better now. The plane lands, so I grab my stuff and go to the front of the airport. As I walk to the front I call Tara, to see where her and Jane are waiting. I am almost at the front and the phone is still ringing. "Damn what's taking so long", I whisper to myself. Right after finishing my sentence I hear Tara's voice come through the phone. "Hey, where are you?" I ask nonchalantly. "Oh hey, listen some stuff got mixed up with the house so me and the girls are setting things up, but don't worry I sent Colby to pick you up?" Who the hell is that, I think to myself. "Colby?" I ask. "Oh he's my good friend he just texted me he'll be there in two minutes so meet him at the front", she responds. I then hear a loud bag from the other side of the phone. "Omg are you guys serious?" she yells. "Adalyn I have to go, just wait outside." "Wai..." I tried to respond, but she already hung up. I don't even know what Colby looks like and it's been two minutes already.

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