Distant: chapter 2

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Well, hopefully he knows my face because I'm really about to just take an Uber if he's not here soon. I look around and see a guy standing next to a red Corolla looking around. Maybe that's him. He turns his head and we make straight eye contact, I instinctively look down. "Adalyn!" he yells. I look back up then walk to him. "So you must be Colby," I say with a smile. "Yeah, let me help you with that." He grabs my bags and puts them in the trunk. He's kind of cute. He gets into the driver seat and I get in on the other side. "So how do you know Tara?" I ask. "She's dating one of my best friends," he responds. Even his voice is cute, what the hell. "Oh so your Jake's friend, you must be fun, " I laughed. He laughs and nods in agreement. "Definitely, you'll see. I hear you're moving in right across from me." "Waite really?" I ask. "Yup, me, Jake, and two other friends." Damn this is gonna be trouble, I already know it. Colby and I talk and laugh the whole way to the house. When I talk to him I can tell there's something a little off though. Not anything bad, he just seems a little distant in a way, like he's in his thoughts. It may seem kind of like he's closed off, but I know better than anyone it's not really like that. Well it's not as simple as that. I think we'll
become close. I can just feel it. His voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "We're here." "That was fast, maybe you should become my personal Uber", I laugh out. "Thank you, but no thank you I barely like driving myself around." "That's only because I'm not with you of course" I respond with a smile. "I guess you're right about that. Shall we go in?" he asks. "Oh your coming?" "Yeah if that's okay with you." "Of course", I reply. We get out of his car and walk to the door. "Oh, waite I have my bags in your trunk." I say. "It's fine we'll get them later." That's kind of weird, I mean maybe not, whatever though. I pull out my brand new key, to my brand new home and unlock the doors. I open the doors and see my friends holding balloons, a welcome home sign, and a few unfamiliar faces. When I look dead in the center I see Tara with her camera out. What else should I expect with a house full of YouTubers. "Oh my god, I knew something was up!" I slightly yell, my voice laced with excitement. Tara turns off her camera and runs toward me, along with Ava and Jane to give me a hug. As I hug them, I can't help, but to think about how amazing my friends are, and how grateful I am to be where I am in my life. As soon as we unlatch from one another I turn to Colby. "I knew you were acting suspicious." "How could you possibly know that, we just met?" he asks. "With how much I got to know you in the car, I just had a feeling." "Okay you got me there, I guess." He laughs. Wow, he has a beautiful smile. How is he doing that it's like every second I fall in love with something else he does. Love, waite I just met him. "Adalyn let me introduce you to everyone else, since you already met Colby." I hear Ava call out to me. I walk over to her. "So first we have Kevin", she says. "Hi I'm Adalyn, nice to meet you." "Kevin, nice to meet you." First impression. Kevin has a smile so big I can't help, but to smile back. *Kevin's phone starts to ring.* "Hold on let me get this", he politely says before stepping out. "So whose next?" I say while turning to face Ava again.

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