Distant: Chapter 26

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It's been three days since I've left my room. I still haven't eaten anything, just a snicker I found in my drawer. I've learned to sleep a little without picturing Colby, but he's the first thing to come to mind when I wake up, breaking what's left of my heart more and more everytime. "Addy, you need to let us in." Tara says through my still locked door. "No." "Please, it's just Jake an I, we want to see you." Tara says with sympathy "I can't, just hearing the sympathy in your voice kills me, I can't imagine how your faces will be when you see me. Just leave me here to die." I say half heartily. "You shouldn't not talk about yourself like that." "Why I mean it." "That's it I swear to God. If you don't open this door. I'm breaking down." She seemed pretty serious so I opened the door looking down, before going back to my bed. "Look at me." She says basically in a demand. I gaze up at her and Jake with my distant and empty eyes, making hers soften. And that's exactly what I what I didn't want to see. "Tara just give up on me already. Everyone else has." I whisper. "Oh Adalyn." She says pulling me into a hug. I don't hug back, because I'm afraid to cry. Sure enough she squeezes me until I hug her back though. "Listen Addy, I love you so much, if I didn't I wouldn't be here right now." Here come the tears streaming down my face. "Jake." I whimper. "Yeah?" he says softly. "Can you please bring me some water." "Of course." He brings me a water bottle from the fridge and sits on the other side of me. "You know he's just as bad." Jake murmurs as I take gulp of water. I look up at Jake. "What?" "Colby hasn't left his room in days either, he won't even answer when we talk to him. Not even to Sam." My heart has been broken, but Jakes words completely shatter it. Even after everything that's happened I still feel worse for him. The only thing I care about is still him, even more than myself. I begin to sob and hug Jake. "I have to go" I whisper to Jake. I get up and go to my bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I don't bother putting on make-up or even doing my hair. I don't even let it dry. I just change into some fresh clothes then walk over to the boy's house, with Jake and Tara. When I walked in everyone had looked at me like they'd just seen a ghost. I probably looked like one right now, not gonna lie. I don't even say hi to any one. I walk upstairs, while Jake and Tara talk to the group. I knock on Colby's door and there's no answer. "Colby. It's me." I say through the door. I hear someone get up and unlock the door. I go inside and close the door behind me. Colby looks a complete mess, but still as beautiful as ever. I probably just look a mess on the other hand. Colby looks at me, tears streaming down his face, causing the same thing to happen to me. I go up to colby and hug him. As soon as we grab on to one another I feel my heart starting to fix itself. "I'm so sorry. Your right, I don't deserve you" He whispers. I pull back, still hugging him. "I never said that. Colby, when I left that night. I locked myself in my room, but the only thing I could think about was you. I was so worried and scared, because I thought, maybe it was for the better, maybe I don't deserve you." "Adalyn, you don't deserve me, you deserve way better." "There's no such thing. When Jake told me about you my heart completely shattered, because I love you more than anyone in this world. As soon as we hugged, my heart began to heal. Colby you are my heart." Colby leans in and kisses me. I of course kiss him back, I couldn't help it if I wanted to. Our lips move in sync creating the most passionate kiss we've ever had so far. "I love you." He says pulling away. "I love you too." "I promise to never ever hurt you again." "I know you'll keep your promise." I respond back with a smile.

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