Distant: Chapter 55

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"Yes sorry I..." I say. The words fall out probably sounding like gibberish. "Are you at home right now?" He asks. I nod my head then remember he can't see me. "Mmhmm." Is all I'm able to let out, besides sobs. "I'm on my ways right now." He says. I hear him quickly moving around and his keys jingle around. "Adalyn I'll be there soon. Sit tight." I hear Andrew say then the phone disconnects. Shit shit shit. I don't want to call anyone else. My mind becomes a mess thoughts flying everywhere as tears stream down my face. Of course he's with fucking Maggy even she's less of a fuck up then you. Did you see him laughing, see he doesn't love you. My mind tells me. Then something else pops up in my head. Maggy. That's Andrews ex I think he can't see he. I don't want him feeling like me. I should probably waite outside. I don't want conflict. Andrew is clearly a good guy. We haven't talked since I met him yet he's in a rush to help me. He's gonna use you to. My mind says. "No!" I yell to myself.  He sounded concerned before he even knew it was me. I try settling down as best I could before stepping out. I change into some black sweats and a random cropped grey sweater. I get myself to stop crying, but don't put on any make up or even really do my hair. So I still look a mess my eyes are still red and puffy, but I don't care. I step out and sit on porch still on the verge of crying. I text Tara letting her know I'm fine. I see Andrew's car pull up and walk to it. I get inside and he pulls off. "We are we going?" I say. My voice is scratchy and is probably going to be damaged like that for a while. "Well you don't sound like you want to be in public or home, so my place" Andrew says. I just nod my head and keep quiet. We arrive pretty quickly. I'm thankful for that, because it was awkwardly quiet the whole way. We walk into a fairly nice looking apartment building. Andrew leads me to the elevator. "Don't worry I live on the second floor it won't be awkwardly long." He says. I smile, not nearly happy enough to laugh. "At least I can bring some sort of happiness." Andrew says smiling as we get into the elevator. Tbe elevator door closes and he was right we were on the second floor in less than a minute. He leads me to his apartment and we walk in. "Settle in. We'll be here a s long as you'd like." Andrew says.  A small smile appears on my face again, from how sweet he is. I just walk over to the living room and sit on the couch. "Thank you." I say as loud as I can, but it probably was barely loud enough to hear. "Of course. Do you want to talk about what happened?" Andrew asks me wavery. I sigh, because I don't really want to, but I should talk to someone about it. Andrew would probably be the best person right now to talk to anyways. He seems understanding enough not to look at me in pity, but still be comforting. I just hope he won't ask to many question, or I'll start crying again. Oh who am I kidding I'll probably cry despite ant questions. I can already feel it coming on. I motion for him to sit next to me. He sits down, but not really close so I scoot over next to him. "You won't hear me if were not next to one another." I say with my scratchy messed up voice. "Oh yeah." He says with a small laugh. I begin to explain everything. A few tears stream down my face every once in a while, but it was controllable and not as bad as I thought. Andrew didn't really ask any question, but one when I was done. "So why were you crying this morning?" He asks. "I was gonna avoid that one, but I'll tell you if you really what to know. But this may affect you so I'm gonna warn you now." I say. "Me? Okay I still want to know." he laughs.

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