Distant: Chapter 54

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I keep imaging Colby blaming me and walking out. Then I see my ex and uncle appear and tell me the same thing. Noah appears next. "You didn't deserve me anyways." He says. "Your just a fuck up no one's gonna want you except for sex anyways." I hear my uncle's voice. The lady in red pops up. "I told you. I'm never wrong. It was for the better she says." I look at her through the mirror. "You did this." I say angrily towards her. "No you did. I just helped you realize it. I knew you didn't live him like you claimed. He doesn't love you anyways. I'm right it's for the better." She says in a scolding tone. I jump up in tears. "It's all my fault." I whisper in tears. All I'm capable of doing is whispering because my voice is gone. I can't stay here. I need to go home. I check my phone to see it's five in the morning. The sun will be up soon. I decide to walk to Colby's room and knock. No one answers, so I crack the door open. No one's there. He still hasn't come home. I walk down the stairs and out the door closing it behind me. I walk to my porch and call Colby. No answer. I call him a few more times still worried. He doesn't answer. So I text him. I send a text just asking him to call me and I hear my phone vibrate with a text back. I look down with hope. My heart shattered as soon as I started to read it though. 'The person you are trying to reach has blocked you.' I start sobbing out what ever tears I have.  I hurriedly look for my keys and open my door. I sob all the way to my room. Everyone is at the boys house right now, probably thinking I'm still asleep. Everyone is there except Colby who hasn't come home and just blocked me. I sob more and more thinking about it. To weak to even stand on my own. I pull myself off the floor to get in my bed. I sob for hours, until I hear the door open. I didn't have enough strength to shut my door earlier, so whoever it is can now see what a wreck I am. Kat's sad face appears around the corner. "Hey." She says. I don't say anything just cry. She sits down next to me in silence the only noise heard in the house were my whimpers and cries. She hugged me and rocked back and fourth, but that wasn't nearly enough to heal me from this pain. Nothing was. I want to die. Right now I feel like that's the only thing I might not fuck up. Eventually the girls come back, but I don't talk to any of them, not even Tara. I just want to be alone. All I do is cry as quietly as I can in my room. At some point I gathered up the strength to lock my door and go back to my bed. I keep remembering last night and my dream over and over again in my head. I cry out louder sometimes then get quiet because of the loss of my voice. Tara told me through the door that Colby had come home sometime late afternoon. It didn't matter. He still wouldn't talk to me. I was still blocked from his phone. *time skip two days*  I still haven't left the house, but I've been able to leave my room at least. I still wasn't talking, just a nod here and there. I couldn't bring myself to talk yet. I get up to get some water for my dry mouth. I've learned to cry when no one is home, just like now. I pass by the window and stop when I see familiar dark brown hair with a mix of dark blue. I see him walking and even laughing. It makes me smile seeing him laugh. Then I see someone with him. It's a girl and she looks kind of familiar. Omg is that... I fall down and start sobbing. It's Megan. I feel around for my phone and mean to call Ava, but I accidently press Andrew through my blurry vision. "Hello. Who is this?" I hear Andrews voice come through the phone. I try to speak, but sobs come out instead. "Is this Adalyn?" He asks before I can respond.

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