Distant: Chapter 82

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"No Adalyn. I mean it. You can't blame yourself that kind of stuff can destroy a person and you did nothing wrong. If anything it was my fault and if something happened to you because of it. I don't even know what I'd do with myself. Understand." He says. My eyes start stinging and another sob escapes me. "Okay." I barely let out. He pulls me onto his lap and holds me against me and he straightens his leg out. I hold onto him like my life depends it. At the moment it feels like it does. "I know you'd be the only person to be able to make me feel like I even have a fraction of my heart left." I whisper. "I know. I feel the exact same way. I felt emptier each day of the month that I didn't see you. When you said you were happier without me...I..." "It's okay I didn't mean it Colby. I love you." I say holding onto him and trancing his random designs into his back. "I love you too." He says, and I can feel a smile form on his face and it lays against mine. "Colby?" I say. "Yeah?" He asks. "We're in a random doctors office. We should go." I say. "Oh shit. Your right." He says getting up and pulling me up with him. We walk out of the hospital and to his car. "Can we go to Andrew's apartment?" I say as Colby unlocks his car. He looks at with me soft eyes. "Yeah, you can drive." He says, while handing me the keys. I take them and get into the driver seat. Colby gets in next to and I start the car and drive home. The car ride is quiet. It even seems quiet outside. As I drive to his Apartment everything seems to go in slow motion, moving calm and quietly. It doesn't take to long for us to get to the apartment. I really did basically live there. I knew the workers and I had my own key. Even though I wasn't on the lease if I forgot it they would still lend me a new one. I wave to the guy at the desk and waite for the elevator. It doesn't take long until it gets down and opens. We get in and I press the second floor. I notice Colby staring at me as we waite to arrive, but I don't say anything, just continue thinking. The elevator door dings. I walk out and Colby follows me. I walk to the apartment preparing myself when I realize Tara has my bad and my keys. "Colby can you waite here. Tara has my bag. I'll be right back. Actually can you text her while I get the keys so she knows where okay?" I say. "Okay." He nods his head. I lightly smile then walk back to the elevator. It doesn't take, but a second to open and I step inside. I press the button and waite to get to the bottom floor. I step out when it opens then go back to the front desk. "Hey I forgot my key with my friend. Is it okay if I barrow one and as soon as I'm in I'll come bring it back." I say in a low voice. "Of course let me go get it." The worker says. "Thanks Nick." I reply. He gets the key and hands it to me. "Are you okay?" Nick asks as he let's go of the key. "Honestly no." I reply. "What's wrong. Did something happen with you and Andrew?" He asks. "Andrew got in a car crash is in the hospital." I say. "Huh? Is he okay?" Nick gasps out. I just shake my head. "He gone." I choke out as warm tears fall down my face. Nick literally jumps over the desk and hugs me. "Oh my god. I'm glad your okay." He says. "I wasn't in the car. I had to go to the hospital to see him." I whimper out. "Poor thing." Nick says rubbing my back. I swallow back more tears and pull away. "I have to go." I whisper out. "Okay. Just return the key tomorrow or something. I'll be here in the morning." Nick says. "Okay. Thank you." I say before walking over the elevator. I walk into the elevator and within a minute it opens to the second floor. I walk over to Colby, who's just leaning on the door waiting on me. I grab Colby's hand when I get to the door. I take in a shaky breath then open it. We both walk in and I close the door and lock it. I walk to the counter and place the key on it. Then I walk to my room. Colby follows me, still holding my hand. I take off my shoes and Colby let's go of my hand to do the same.

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