Distant: Chapter 41

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Colby and I go inside the house and to my room. We both prepare ourselves for bed before laying down. I snuggle into him as we get into the blankets. "I love you." Colby says, kissing the top of my head. "I love you too." I say before leaning up and softly kissing his lips. I snuggle back into him, feeling so safe. Soon enough we both fall asleep. I look around at the old room I'm in. "Where am I?" I whisper to myself. "Oh your back." I hear. I look up and see the lady in red. She's admiring herself in the mirror. "Where are we I ask." "Oh your in my house." "Your house? Why is everything so old?" I ask. "It's beautiful isn't it." "Yeah. I guess." I say confused. "So you love him?" The lady asks? "Colby? Of course I do. I love Colby with everything in me." I state confident in my words. "Do you love anyone?" I ask. "Love broke me, so I've chosen to love myself." She says glancing away from the mirror to look at me, but only for a moment. "So you'd never leave this Colby?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "No. I love him, more than myself." I say. "Why do you keep asking me things like that. You told me on the mountain that you were wrong." I question. "Well see." She says, and I drop. I wake up from my sleep, and feel my heart beating like crazy. I turn and see Colby still asleep. What's going on. What did that lady mean? Who even is she?  Okay I just need to calm down. It was just a dream I'm sure. I check the time to see 3:20 in the morning. I should go back to sleep. I sleep for another three hours. I don't dream anything, at least nothing I remember. When I wake up I don't see or feel Colby. The dream immediately pops up in my head and I feel immediate worry. I hear the door open and jump out of my thoughts. "Woah, don't worry baby it's just me." I hear Colby's voice. Relief soothes over me as I turn to him. "I made breakfast, he says walking over to me and closing the door behind him. "Really?" I ask in excitement. "Yup." He smiles, his cute dimples popping out. I get changed and walk out with Colby. We go to the kitchen and I see two bowls of cereal set on the table. "Really?" I say looking at him. "What I said I made breakfast, not cooked it. I can't cook." He says scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, but you could have told me. The cereal is gonna get soggy." I say sitting down. Colby sits down next to me. "Yeah, but at least I chose your favorite." He says sheepishly. "Yeah. You did. I laugh, then kiss him on the cheek. Colby and I eat breakfast as Tara comes in. "Waite you guys made up?" She squeals. "I'll do you one better. I might have remembered everything last night." "NO WAY! EVERYONE WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Tara yells. Colby and I laugh as everyone comes running into the kitchen. "What." Ava grumbles. She looks to Colby and I, her eyes grow wide. Everyone looks at us in astonishment, like were rear jewels in a museum. "What. Stop starring at us." I say as I begin to blush a little. "What's all this fuss." Devyn mumbles while coming out of the guest room. "Dev!" I say jumping up and running towards her. She widens her eyes and we cling onto one another. "I'm so sorry. I don't know how I could ever forget you, but I remember everything now. I'm back." I ramble as my voice begin to crack a little with emotion. "Addy, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. I'm glad to have you back." Devyn says in a soft voice. I hear a knock on the door. I let go of Devyn and wipe my eyes and face, as I walk to the door. I see all the guys and my face lights up. I missed the memory of them. I hug all three of them as they come in. First Sam, then Corey. I think I saw both of them shed a tear, which made it even harder to keep mine in. At last I hugged Jake as he came in.

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