Distant: chapter 67

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"Okay the food will be here in twenty minutes." Andrew says. Was I really so zoned out that I didn't hear him order the pizza. "Okay. Sounds good. What do you want to do until then." I say realizing I was doing it again. "I don't know we can talk, or watch something. Anything really. Just first..." Andrew trails off and gets up. "Yeah?" I ask. "I really need to pee." He says. "Go then." I laugh out. Andrew speed walks to his bathroom before closing the door. I laugh and pull out my phone instinctively. I check my phone and see a reply from Tara. She just let me know not to do that again or she'll kill me and that she's glad I'm okay. She was genuinely scary. She may be short, but she can shove her short foot up your ass if you made her mad. I decide to unmute my phone before Tara texts or calls me again. I realize that I also had a voice message from Colby. I sigh. I know I shouldn't, but I think I'm gonna listen to it. It's just for closure. I try to convince myself. I ick it and listen to it. He sounds a mess, his voice cracking. My heart broke just thinking about how he looked. "I'm so sorry please answer please call me or even text me anything I just want to know your okay. I can't imagine if something happened to you, especially knowing it's my fault. Please. I know this is my fault it's easier to push people away instead of getting hurt. I know I'm just hurting both of us though. I'm so sorry you don't deserve this. I'm sorry for rambling I just... I'm sorry." He says before hanging up. I feel tears streaming down my face and I go to the text messages. 'Adalyn I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me. I just want to know your okay. No matter what I love you. Forever - Colby.' I can feel sobs caught in my throat waiting to come out. I'm okay I am staying with a friend for a while. I forgive you, but I think we just need a little space. Just for now. I promise. I love you too. Good bye.' I respond and turn off my phone. As natural as it felt at the same time it felt weird telling Colby I loved him. I don't know why. Maybe because I didn't know where we stood. It broke my heart thinking about it and the sobs caught in my throat finally escaped. I sobbed once then heard the faucet turn on. I wipe my face as fast as I could and swallow down the next sib trying to escape. I know it's too late for the streaks on my face to pass as the tears from earlier. Andrew opens the bathroom door and I immediately see his eyes soften as he rushes over to me. "Hey Addy, are you okay? What happened." Andrew asks, as he wraps his arm around me and rubs my back. "No." I say looking down. "No you won't tell me. Or no your not okay." I look up and smile at him. "Your stupid." I laugh. "If all it takes for you to be happy is me being stupid you wouldn't know what being sad is." Andrew says before making a goofy face. "Your smart enough to make me smile." I say. "No stupid enough." He laughs. "Shut up." I laugh and playfully push him. "See I've never seen am more beautiful smile." He says, making me blush a little. "I have." I mumble thinking of Colby's smile. "Impossible. Your smile alone is enough to heal any pain." Andrew says. My heart melts. Andrew probably doesn't understand what he just said. But I don't think anyone's ever just told me that I'm enough. "Thank you." I whisper, as a tear streams down my face. "Oh god. And only I'm dumb enough to make you cry again." Andrew says worried. "No, you did nothing wrong." I say laying my hand on his. Andrew flips his hand around and wraps his fingers in mine. I do the same thing, but just think of Colby as it happens. I just need a friend to comfort me and right now that friend is Andrew, because he cared to, not Colby. "You want to talk?" Andrew asks as he rubs his thumb on my hand. I really don't, but I know I should so I nod my head yes.

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