Distant: Chapter 15

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About 7 minutes go by, before I hear someone come into the room. "Hellooo!" I hear Sam call out. Yeah right as if I would answer him right now. I hear him walk to the closet I see Sam feel around with his nerf gun, then I see Colby standing by the door, that must mean Colby was the first one found. When he finally made eye contact it took everything in me not to laugh. I had to close my eyes, before I actually did let out a laugh. Luckily Sam left so Colby followed behind him. He gave me a quick wink before closing the closet door and following behind Sam. Another twenty-five minutes before I hear Colby and Sam coming into the room again. "She's in here." I heard Colby say. Damn, this is it, he's gonna get me now. Waite if Colby's helping him, at least that means I'm the last one to be found then. Okay I don't mind that. I hear the closet door open. "There's no way, this space is too small for me to have missed her." Sam says.  I begin to laugh, "Sorry Sam, I'm just the best." "Oh shit, Adalyn you're really there!?" Sam exclaims. "Yupp." I laugh out. I move to the opposite side of where Sam is standing and hop down. That was actually a pretty scary jump, that shelf really is high up. Sam jumps a little when he hears my feet hit the ground and shoots me right in the forehead. "Oww... that kind of hurt." Sam lifts his blindfold. "Where were you?" I point to the top shelf. "How'd you get up there?" "I climbed." "Climbed what?" "A magician never reveals her secrets..." I say with a laugh. Sam makes a dumbfound face, making Colby and I laugh. "Come on guys." Colby states. We walk back to the movie room where all the snacks are. We chat a bit, before I hear Jane ask if were ready to leave. "I don't wanna gooooo." I whine out in a jokingly way. "You should go it's almost two and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Colby whispers in my ear. I just about jump up as soon as he finishes his sentence. "Okay let's go." "Why the sudden change?" Jane asks. "I'm just tired that's all." "Sureeeee you are." She says. "Whatever let's go home." I say bye to the guys,  then I get to Colby. "Bye Colbs I'll see you tomorrow." I say before giving him a quick kiss. As I turn to walk away I feel him slap my ass real quickly. My eyes go wide and I begin to blush. 'Colby. Stop it someones gonna see.' I whisper loud enough for him to hear. Bye babe he says before I walk to the door. The rest and the girls and I leave we waite for Kat to come because she is saying bye to Kat. "Come on Kat, your taking five years." I complain. She finally kisses Sam then says bye. "Bye Adalyn..." He calls out. I turn around and say bye. "By the way, I saw you and Colby." Omg he didn't just say that. "Okay bye I turn around quickly and rush the girls across the street, while he closes the door. "What was that about..." Tara says confused. "Nothing." I say while blushing, wanting to change the subject. "Oh Colby slapped Adalyn's ass before we left." "Omg Kat."  "What?" She asks, like there's nothing wrong with what she just said. "Nevermind. Let's just go in." I say as the girls laugh. "Are you guys staying?" Tara asks Kata and Devyn. "No I think we'll go home." Devyn says and Kat agrees. "Oh come on, stay... If you stay you can help me get ready." I say knowing they'll stat because of it. Of course they both immediately agree. We all go inside and get ready for bed. I have a lot of shorts so I let Devyn and Kat barrow a pair. Devyn was already wearing a long shirt so she stayed in that and Ava let Kat borrow one of hers. We all said our good nights to one another, then went to bed.

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