Distant: chapter 68

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I start explaining everything that happened today to Andrew. "So you wanted to be friends with him?" Andrew asks. "No I could never want to be friends with him. I want to be with him, but I can't. It's like he doesn't want me. It's like no matter how many times he breaks my heart, as soon as it heals it beats for him." I reply. I see a flash of hurt in Andrew's eyes and I can't tell if it's for me or himself. I know how much he cares for me, I honestly don't even know why. "Can I ask you something?" Andrew asks. "Yeah." I answer hesitantly. "How many times have you gone after him and how many times has he gone after you? How many times have you cared for him and stuck around for him to leave." Andrew says, his voice slightly deeper than usual. "Don't talk about him like that. You don't know him." I cry out as I look down. "Adalyn, I don't know him I didn't even say anything bad. Only you know what the answer is and that's why your upset." I look up at him, straining my eyes to see his face. It was full of hurt. He's right though, as wrong as I want him to be, he's not. "I'm tired. I want to go to bed." I say, not wanting to have to think of this any longer. "Yeah, the guest room is right over here." Andrew says getting up and putting his hand out. I grab his hand and get up. I think Andrew could tell how weak I felt because he let go of my hand and wrapped it around my waist. It didn't feel the same as Colby, but it felt comforting and I felt safe, so I let him. We walk into the room and Andrew lays me down. I scoot over a bit because I see Andrew start to sit dow next to me. "I just want you to know I don't want to hurt you or ever see you hurt like this. I know what your going through. I felt like this about Megan and it was the worst trying to get over it especially alone so I'll be here I won't let you go through this alone. The truth is you helped me." Andrew says and I look at him quizzically. He chuckles a bit, but it still sounded sad in a way. "Well when I met you. I was going through it. I saw you were to of course so I asked you out, or to hang out or whatever that's not the point." I laugh at him getting off topic and thinking of that day. "Uh sorry." He says glancing over to me. "It's okay continue." I say, sitting up. "Well we talked a lot that night and I thought about how much you said you loved Colby and it made me think of Megan, only it was how I felt towards her. Hearing you talk made me think is that how someone is supposed to feel back. I realized Megan never loved me and I had to escape." I look at his face and how sad and broken it looked it's like I can feel what's in his heart. I turn my body to be right next to his and wrap both my arms around him. "It's really hard letting go." I whisper as he hold on to one another. I don't know how to feel anymore. I know Colby's not like Megan, I know he loves me. I can feel it. But do I really know, sure I can feel it, but is that just me, has he really proven it. Has he ever gone out of his way or gone after me. Shit, I can feel the tears streaming down face. "I should go. I'll let you get some sleep." Andrew says pulling away. He looks at me and his eyes sadden when he sees me. "It'll be okay. I promise." Andrew says, wiping the tears from my eyes. He kisses the top of my head and gets up. He walks out and turns off the lights before he completely leaves ands closes the door behind him. I lay back down in bed and close my eyes. Images of Colby instantly pop up in head and my eyes shoot open. Great there's no fucking way I'm sleeping tonight. I pull the blanket down and get out of bed. I walk out of the room and over to Andrew's. I hesitate before knocking, but it's the only way if I even want a chance to be able to sleep.

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