Distant: Chapter 29

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"So now what?" I ask. "I mean your text suggest that we...." His voice trails off. "That was a joke and you know that." I laugh. "Well actually we do have time." I say with a smirk. "Really." He says surprised, but excited. I nod my head and lean over to him. Before are lips touch, I move slightly over. "Just kidding." I whisper, before moving away. "Oh that was really wrong..." He says pouting. "I'm sorry I have to shower before everyone gets back." "Can I at least join?" He says with puppy eyes. "Umm, Nope." I say jokingly, knowing I'm bound to cave soon against those beautiful eyes of his. "What why not?" He drags out the last word. I laugh at how silly he's being. "Oh so you think this is funny?" He says as he gets up and runs toward me. He begins to tickle me as I fall back on the bed. I begin to laugh so hard I can't breathe. "Colby I have to get ready." I say with laughs between every word. "Fine." He says with a fake glare as I get up. "Of course you can come." I say as I grab a towel and walk to the bathroom. He jumps up in excitement and follows behind me making me laugh. After the shower Colby lets me use a pair of his sweats and one of his koala sweaters. I honestly love his clothes, there so comfortable. "It's only eleven do you want to go out, we can invite the rest of the group?" Colby asks me. "Um sure, but would could we go?" "I don't know I kind of wanted to go hiking at this one place I've never been to, but Sam wanted to take me to last week." "I don't know, it's kind of late for that don't you think?" "No it'll be fine, if anything you have me to protect you." He says picking me up and spinning me around. "Okay, I guess your right." I giggle out. We hear the door open, loud laughs and mumbled words. Colby and I go out to see what everybody is talking about. "Oh thank God you're changed, I came close to seeing it all, to many times for comfort man." Sam says to Colby with a laugh. "Sam you saw it all two days after moving here. There's a picture on Instagram for proof." "Waite what really?" I ask. "Yeah, you haven't seen it." "Well I haven't been on Instagram in a while. I never even went through your past photos." I pull out my phone and go to Colby's page. I see a photo of all the guys ass naked in front of the pool. If there's one thing I learned tonight it's that is definitely authentic Colby ass. "Waite who took the photo." "My brother." Jake laughs. "Oh pobrecito." "Believe me he liked it." Jake said winking. I'm honestly kind of surprised he understood me. "Oh yeah, Addy and I were wondering if you guys would want to go hiking with us?" Colby asked the group. The only person who was down, besides Colby and I, was Sam. Of course Sam would want to go. "I knew it was a bad idea." I laugh to Colby. "No it's not it's just hiking." "Just hiking... That place is supposed to be super haunted, that's why ai asked you. I was surprised when Adalyn said she was going." Sam states like nothing. "Waite what! Colby you never told me it was haunted..." Colby widens his eyes and looks to Sam for help. "This ones on you, you should have told her before trying to drag her somewhere." Sam says putting his hands up. "Thank you Sam. At least you understand." I saw Colby give a small glare to Sam, before looking back to me kind of scared. Good he should be scared. "Why wouldn't you tell me that it's haunted?" I say tapping my foot on the ground. Colby starts twisting his rings nervously. "I just didn't want it to get to your head that's all. I swear I didn't mean anything by it." My eyes soften at his explanation, but that still doesn't completely justify it. "I don't want to go anymore." I say looking down. "What? Come on babe. I still meant what I said about protecting you in the room and if it gets to far or scary in any way, we'll come back."

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