Distant: Chapter 49

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I see a small smile appear on his face as I do so. Seeing him smile, instantly makes me feel slightly better as we walk inside. I close the door, but leave it unlocked, because I figure Jake and Tara will arrive soon. I walk to the kitchen to grab a cup of water and Colby follows behind me. While pouring the water into my cup I yawn. "Tired huh?" Colby says. Staring at me. "Yeah. I think I'm just mentally exhausted." I say before drinking the cup of water in my hand. "I'm sorry." He whispers. I put the cup down and walk over to him. "Don't be. You keep me going." I whisper and put my hand to his cheek. Colby places his hand on top of mine and uses his other one to grab my waist. We kissed a short, sweet kiss. The kind of kiss you savor. One of pure love over lust. Colby and I walk over to the couch. Just as we sit down, I hear the door open. I see Tara and Jake walk in. "Hey." Tara says in a low voice. "Hey." I reply looking toward her. Jake and Tara walk over and sit next to us. There is an awkward silence for a moment, before I decide to just say something. "So.. You guys up for a movie." I hesitantly laugh. "Just nothing scary." Tara says letting out a small laugh too. "Deal." I reply and grab the remote. I look through movies for a good movie before we just decide to watch knives out. It turns out it didn't matter what we chose, because with in minutes we were all asleep. I wake up and see Colby still asleep. I turn to see if Jake and Tara are up. I see Jake still asleep too, but Tara on her phone. "Oh good your up." She whispers. "Yeah. What time is it?" I whisper back. "We were only asleep for about an hour it's only two." Tara says. "Oh so you just woke up?" I ask. "Yeah like three minutes ago." Tara nods her head. "Oh. We have to get groceries today." I say as it comes to mind. "Oh yeah. Do you want to just go now, while the boys are asleep?" Tara asks. "Yeah. I'll leave a note or text message or something." I say. "Okay. Oh and I texted the group. They'll be home around eight or nine probably. I told them you wanted them to stay and have fun, you just felt a bit sick. I forgot to tell you earlier." Tara says. "Thank you." I reply. Tara really is my best friend. She knows exactly what I want to say, with out me having to say it. "Okay. Come on." I say getting up. I grab my stuff and send Colby a text letting him know where we're going before walking out with Tara. We walked over to our driveway and got into my car. The grocery store is only five minutes away, ten walking. I just didn't feel like walking right now and I don't think Tara did either. I pull off and of course with in five minutes we arrive. I park the car and lock it as we both get out. "Okay so what did we need again?" I ask Tara as we walk info the store. She laughs and pulls out her phone. "Hold on I have it in my notes." She says. We grab a cart and stop in some random isle as she list out the things we need. "Okay let's get the eggs first." I say once she finishes.  We shop around for a while getting all the stuff we need. We find all the stuff we need except the cleaning supplies. We spend a whole twenty minutes looking for it, until we finally found the right isle. Tara and I go to the isle looking for the clorox spray. "Damn, where are all the workers when you need them." Tara laughs out. I laugh along and stop at the area I think the spray would be at. I look around searching for the spray. Tara searches along with me. "Found it!" Tara exclaims, grabbing the bottle. "Woohooo." We both laugh. Just as we calm down I feel someone tap my shoulder. "Adalyn." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and I feel shock flood over me as my eyes widen. "Omg Noah. What are you doing here."

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