Distant: Chapter 12 (Colby's P.O.V.)

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We hear a knock on the door so I get up to go answer it, of course it's room service, so I take the drinks, thank the lady, then shut the door with my foot, almost causing me to fall. Adalyn must have saw that, because she jumped up. "Here let me help you." She say as she takes a drink from my hand. I thank her and we sit down and start to talk about what were gonna do today. "Oh my God I just realized..." I exclaim, making Adalyn jump. "Colby... You made me spill my drink. What's so important?" She says slightly irritated, but with a genuine smile still on her face. "Well obviously it's almost your birthday. Your turning twenty-two right?" "Yeah, but I don't really do much for my birthdays. Plus I don't know if I really want to either." "Can we at least throw a little party, just with our friend group." I say slightly taken back. "Sure" she responds. "But this is gonna get sticky."she says holding her shirt forward. "Oh sorry, here's my sweater." I say while handing it to her. She takes off her shirt and wipes her stomach where the smoothie spilled on her. I can't help, but to admire how beautiful she is. As I look at her start to put the sweater on I see the side of her stomach where the scar she got from her uncle is. I feel a flash of rage inside me towards who ever her uncle is, for hurting her like he did. She notices and asks what's wrong. I truthfully answer with what's on my mind. "It's okay babe," she says caressing my face with her thumb. Just the feeling of her touch and her soft voice is enough to instantly soothe me. "I love you." I whisper, putting my forehead against hers. "I love you too." She whispers back, before placing a tiny, sweet, soft kiss on my lips. I don't know how yet, but I'm truly in love with this girl. She pulls away from me, "Come on let's go home" she says grabbing my hand. We take a quick look around the room to make sure we have everything, then leave. As we walk back to the car Ava asks how far away from home we are. I respond by saying, "about thirty-five to forty minutes." "Okay, I'm gonna call Jane and let her know, when we'll be there." She says as getting into the car. I get into the driver seat and start the car, as the car turns on, so does the music. I turn it down to low volume so Adalyn can talk on the phone. Well Adaliyn is on the phone, I beging to think. Maybe we can go on our first real date today.  I hear Adalyn say through the phone, "So we are still doing movie night right." I assume they said yes from Adalyn's squeal. I guess the date will have to waite. I unconsciously sigh. I hear Adalyn  say goodbye and hang up. She turns to me ask what's wrong. "Nothing" I reply, only half honestly. She stares at me and I glance at her, before putting my eyes back on the road. "What?" I ask. "Colby you know better than anyone, you can't lie to me, so what's wrong?" "Really it's nothing I just, forgot it was the anniversary you had with your friends. I was thinking of going on our first official date. Adalyn looks at me in awe. I love seeing that look on her face, and I love knowing I'm the person that made it. She is really amazing and when she's happy that's all I need to be happy too. "Babe, that's really sweet. Can we please do it tomorrow, it honestly sounds amazing, and I really adore you for thinking of it." "Yeah, okay..." I say in agreement, while blushing a little because of the look in Adalyn's eyes. "Oh we're almost home," "Okay, great." she says with a smile.

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