Distant: Chapter 30

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"Fine, but only if Kat comes along." I say crossing my arms. "Hey, why do I have to get dragged into this." Kat complains. "Sorry guys, if she doesn't want to go, neither do I." The boys begin pester Kat. I don't because I don't really want to go anyways. After about ten minutes of begging and puppy eyes, from both boys she gives in. Both the boys turn to me with big smiles. "Okay a deals a deal." I comply. "Fine, but first I have to Change." Kat grumbles. "Yeah same." Sam agrees. "Okay I'll go with Kat." I say walking with her to the door. Kat and Devyn are over so much they basically live with us. They even have a few pair of clothes at our house. Dev is over a bit less now because she just moved in with Xepher though, but we still all hang out sometimes, Xepher included of course. We go over to our house, and I decide to change too. I put on some black leggings, but decide to leave the hoodie. I walk out and waite for Kat. She finishes getting ready fairly quick and we both leave. "I can't believe you dragged me into this." She says as walk across the street. "That's what best friends do." I laugh as we make it up the boy's driveway. Kat knocks on the door and sticks her tongue out at me. I laugh, knowing she's not mad the slightest bit. Kat really is a good friend. My whole new friend group is honestly amazing. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't know them or we never met. Sam and Colby open the door ready to leave. "Come on were taking my car." Colby says taking my hand. Colby and I get in the front while Sam and Kat get in the back. We drive for about almost an hour, making it already just past midnight when we arrived. The trail led up to a whole mountain and being honest, it looked hella creepy. I have a really bad feeling in my stomach about this, but I just push away, maybe I'm just being a baby. We Sam abd Colby give each other a weird look, like their unsure about this, before we start walking, making me feel even more uneasy. As we start to head up the mountain I squeeze Colby's hand a little tighter to make me feel safe. He let's go of my hand and wraps it around my waist. I know it was to comfort me, but I think it put him at ease a little more too. We all walk and begin to talk about random things to make us feel better. Every once in a while we would hear random noises, making us all scared, but we kept going. "Do you think there are wild animals?" Kat asks. "Yeah, of course, but the sign at the bottom said didn't mention any animals to crazy." "Oh good." She smiled. We continue walking and we hear someone. We pass by a lady in an old like red dress coming down. "Did you just come from the top?" Colby asks the lady. "Yes. It's only about thirty more minutes up." She says with a smile. "Thank you" Colby replies. Before we continue walking she says something else. "You guys make a wonderful couple." "Thank you." I smile back. I feel kind of bad, because I had a weird feeling about her, but she's actually really nice. We all keep walking. After the lady is out of view Kat says, "I don't how that lady hiked this in heels and a dress." I wasn't even thinking about that. "Yeah and she didn't even lool tired." I state. "Well maybe she rested up there?" Sam suggest. "But still she walked down to where we were." Colby adds. We continue walking until we get to the top. The lady was still on my mind, but I decided I should just let it go. There were benches and just random dirt spots at the top. There was a also a giant tree. Just one it was really beautiful though. The whole view was amazing, from the night sky above us to the gleaming city lights below. We took a moment to just capture the moment and take in the beauty of everything. This was the most at ease I've felt since we've got here. "Hey guys look at this." Sam says with both astonishment and worry.

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