Distant: Chapter 56

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"Okay. That night Colby blocked me and didn't come home. This morning..." A tear streams down my face. Andrew wipes it from my cheek. "It's okay" he says. I take in a shaky breath. "He was laughing and walking up his driveway with his ex. The same girl he cheated on me with." I begin to sob and Andrew quickly pulls me into a hug and rubs my back, as I hold onto him. "Oh Adalyn. I'm so sorry." He says. I catch my breath as best as possible before pulling away. There are still tears in my eyes and my voice is still shaky, but I try to continue. "That's not all. His ex is Megan." Andrews eyes go wide with shock as he hears the name. I see a flash of sorrow, but only for a moment. "Oh." He whispers. "I'm so sorry." I cry out. "No it's not your fault." Andrew says with soft eyes. "Waite does that mean the night she cheated on me, she was with..." I nod my head yes. I see him on the verge of tears and my heart breaks, because I know the sorrow he's feeling. I put my hands on his face and wipe the tears away, before they can fall. "This is my fault, if I was a better person. If I was worth loving maybe he wouldn't have done it. Maybe you wouldn't have had to break up. Maybe we wouldn't be here right now." I ramble feeling sorry for Andrew and hate towards myself. "Adalyn you did nothing wrong. I knew she was bad the moment I got with her. It's my fault for being weak." He says. "No it's not. Were all weak inside." I sigh. "It's not your fault it's his." Andrew says looking at me. "Maybe I'm just not lovable." I say. "No your ex is just a dick." Andrew says angrily. "No it's not like that." I say now just as angry. "I don't see it any other way." He says. I'm going home." I scoff out, and get up. "Waite Adalyn!" I feel Andrew grab my arm. "I didn't mean I just I was I.... Don't know." Andrew's voice begins to break and I see tears start to fall down his face. I stop and hug him. "It's okay I know." I whisper. I feel the tears start to fall down my fave as well. We stay like that for a good half an hour to an hour before calming down and letting go of one another. "I should probably go." I say. "Yeah I'll drive you home. Andrew says. "Thank you." I reply, getting up off the couch. Andrew does the same thing and we walk out to the elevator. We waite for it in silence. Then get in. Even the small waite down was silent. It was silent all the way up until we got into in front of my house. "Thank you for helping me and picking me up" I say. "Of course," he responds back. "Listen Adalyn I really like you and maybe well do you want to go out some time." Andrew asks me. "Andrew I really lime you too and I think your an amazing person, who deserves the world, but..." Andrew sighs. "But you won't go out with me." Andrew says in a sad voice looking down. "I just can't I'm still in love with Colby even if he doesn't love me. But I think your the best person I know so I'll tell you this." Right as the last few words came out my mouth Andrew looks back up at me. "Andrew would love to be with you one day. But no matter how bad Colby has hurt me I love him. I may always love him and I don't want to be with you and give you hope if I can't let go. I fuck up everything in my life, but I don't want that to happen with you. You don't deserve that." I say and sigh at the end. "Adalyn just you saying that shows how amazing you are. Please you won't hurt me." He says. "Bye Andrew. I'll text you if anything." I say unbuckling myself. "You shouldn't have to waite around for him. It's not right." Andrew begs. "Thank you." I whisper before leaning over the arm rest and kissing his cheek. "I'll see you around hopefully." I say in a sad voice, before getting out of the car. I walk up to my front door. Before opening it I turn around and see him drive off. 

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