Distant: Chapter 79

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"How about we restart." I suggest. "Sounds good." She laughs. "Hi, I'm Adalyn." I say. "I'm molly." She laughs. We start making small talk and eventually Andrew comes over and talks with us too. I actually really like her, she's really sweet. Reggie calls Andrew for something so he leaves, but I continue talking to Molly. I'm so deep into our conversation I didn't notice Colby come over. His low voice sent shivers down my spine and made me jump as I looked over to him. "Hey." Is all he even said. "Hey babe." Molly smiles. "Hey." I say in a low voice. "Well it was nice talking to you I should probably go. I think I'm gonna go to the water." I say standing up. "Waite I was just about to go back. I was actually gonna ask if you guys wanted to come." Colby says. "Yeah sounds fun." Molly says. "Uh? Did I say swimming? I meant tanning." I say walking away. "Waite Adalyn." Colby says following me. "What Colby? You have a girlfriend go to her." I say continuing to walk. He grabs my hand and pulls me back. "We're not even dating. I mean we're talking, but that's all." He says in a begging tone. "You've been talking to her for months and I have a boyfriend. I say letting go of his hand, that I didn't realize I grabbed back. "I can't date her. I'm not over you. Please Adalyn I never will be." He says. "Colby that's ridiculous then why are you letting that poor girl hang on. That's really fucked up." I say. "Don't give me that. Your doing the same thing with Andrew, except you let him have it worse." Colby says. "Excuse me. That's not true. I love Andrew." I say upset. "Maybe, but not like you love me. I knew from the moment we saw each other again. I know by the way you got just as jealous as I did. I know because you instinctively would hold my hand or hug me. If I kissed you right now. I bet you'd kiss me back." He says in an intimidating, yet soft manner. "Your delusional." I say. Deep down I can hear my subconscious telling me he's right, but I refuse to believe in that part of me. Not now. "Fine then right now. Tell me. Tell me you don't love me, or even just tell me that you love Andrew more than me. Tell me without lying and I'll leave you alone forever." Colby begs with a broken voice. Tears prick my eyes. "I can't. Are you happy?" I whimper out as tears fall down my face. "I know. Adalyn please I love you." Colby begs. I feel someone pass by me and turn to see Andrew storming off. "Waite Andrew I run after him. He gets to the car before he finally stops. "What." He says in a cold voice, but I can tell he was moments away from tears. "Please Andrew it's not like that." I beg almost falling to my knees. "Go home after this. Because we don't live together anymore." Andrew says. "No. Please I love you." I beg. "Not like you love Colby. Adalyn I loved you more than anything in this world and you chose him after everything. Your worse than Maggy." He says the last sentence as cold as ice. "No I'm not. You know I love you." I say in tears. "Fine. Then tell me this." Andrew says, this time with a voice crack. "When you pulled away from this morning, was it because of Colby?" He asks. My heart completely shatters and this time I do fall to the floor. "Just leave me alone." He says, as the tears finally start rolling down his face. He just gets into the car and drives off. I just sit there feeling completely destroyed. I feel someone come up to me and wrap there arms around me. I realize it's Colby and push him off of me. "Don't Colby. I was finally happy. I was haply without you. And you ruined that too." I snap out. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. "Whatever. Just give me space." I say walking back to the beach. Tara sees me and runs toward me. "Adalyn what's wrong?" She says pulling me into a hug. "Andrew and I broke up." I whimper out. "Oh my god. I'll kill him." Tara says. "It was my fault." I cry out. "Oh Addy." She says rubbing my back. I just stand there crying in her arms for about ten minutes. "You wanna go home?" She asks. I nod my head yes. "Okay let me grab our stuff and get Jake." She says pulling away from me. "Okay. I'll waite at the car." I say in a broken voice.

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